Looking for ways to remove holes in the face caused by pimples.
Have you tried hemorrhoid cream? I know that it reduces redness from pimples, and shrinks things. Maybe it would work? Don't know, but thought I'd at least give my advice. Good luck. (05/13/2008)
By Tammy
Where would anyone get fresh dairy cream? Try:1 tsp. fresh dairy cream mixed with 1/2 tsp. lemon juice will guarantee spotless skin in a months time. (05/14/2008)
Olive oil. Also, its good for all over. (05/19/2008)
By Mary
Before bedtime, half tablespoon of lemon and water and quarter of salt. Mix it. Wash your face with warm water. Make sure you apply that on a dry face. Keep it away from the eyes. Rub it, not too hard though. Doing it so, can cause skin break outs. Keep it on for 2 to 3 minutes after rubbing. Then rinse your face with cold water, but not too cold. Wait for half an hour. Then apply any cream with vitamin E to make it soft. Drink lots of water. And wash your face when it's dusty. (11/13/2008)
By Gunda
The best thing is take a few basil leaves, and a few mint leaves. Mix them with curd and make it a paste, and apply it before bed time. In early morning remove the face pack. It really makes pimple marks disappear. I had a lot of marks due to pimples. After trying out this tip, all my worries are gone, and I am looking good now. Please follow this. This is one of the best home made remedies for marks. Try it out. (12/26/2008)
By sandhya
Yes, it is really true, one should have lots of green vegetables and fruits. Retinol A 0.5% helps me out from pimple marks. And to have good looking skin, one should not only consider what you put on your face, it's all about what we eat. Eat boiled vegetables, especially during menstruation. And no oil, this also will help (my personal experience). (02/10/2009)
By wakambam
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