
Pistol (Mini Bull Terrier)

Pistol (Mini Bull Terrier) - closeup of grey and white dog

Your Pet's Age


Your Pet's Breed
Mini Bull Terrier

How and when did you get your pet?
I was searching for Bull Terriers on Craigslist when Pistol showed up! When I emailed the owner at the time, she was the last of the litter and no longer for sale. The owner's mother wanted to keep her. I pushed and pushed telling them that I needed to the meet pup! Finally, they agreed to meet me and luckily, they trusted me enough to sell her to me. And it's all history from there.

What does your pet like to do for fun?
She likes to spin for treats and she loves playing at the big dog park!

Do you have anything else to share about your pet?
She loves to watch TV with the family and when she sees a fellow animal on TV, she goes crazy. First, she barks and yelps. Then, she gets closer to the TV, sits smack down the middle of the TV and just stares!

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 451 Feedbacks
May 14, 20180 found this helpful

Awww, she's such a cutie pie!

May 15, 20180 found this helpful

Thank you! She drives me nuts but I love her so much!!! :)


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