Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts September 28, 20170 found this helpful
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Everyone who is invited to the party has to definitely keep their mouths zipped and show no clues to the person who is going to be surprised.
All guests would need to be present at the restaurant before hand. Then you would go with the person who will be surprised and everyone will be there! Surprise.

Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts September 28, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
I was surprised at my 33rd at a restaurant. My husband had everyone show up and had me arrive 25 minutes late while they all had appetizers and drinks. They were all sat at the very end corner of the restaurant and my husband was distracting me as we walked over by fiddling with my outfit until SURPRISE!!!
The biggest part is that everyone is there first and pacified with bites and drinks.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts September 28, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer
This will take careful planning on your part.
- You can arrange with the restaurant to have a table in the back reserved for you and your guests.
- Tell the guest they all need to be there at the table waiting for you to arrive. Let them know you will arrive 20 minutes after them.
- Make sure the people know how important this is and it is a surprise party so they should be on time.
- When you arrive at the restaurant give you name and have them take you to the table. Let him know you have already reserved your table and it should be waiting for you when you arrive.
- Once they take you to the table that is when he will see everyone and be surprised for his birthday.

September 28, 20170 found this helpful
Make the person believe that this is just a small dinner to enjoy their birthday. Have the others already at the restaurant before you get there.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts September 29, 20170 found this helpful
Hiding a surprise party.
- Swear everyone to secrecy.
- Have one person you will text when your coming she can alert the rest and make sure everyone is inside.
- If there is another close place to park have them park there.
- Hopefully he or she does not reconize the vehicles.

September 30, 20170 found this helpful
Surprise parties do sometimes have "mishaps" but that mishap many times turns out to be the thing remembered most. So - don't worry about it being perfect as "perfect" isn't always the most fun.
- I would think about trying to be very normal about where you are planning this event as that in itself could be a tip off.
- Is this a first time party or have you and this person had similar (not necessarily surprise) parties before?
- Is it a normal thing for you to take or go with them to a restaurant?
- If it is an unusual thing then you may have to come up with some "acceptable/good" reasons why this is happening.
- Be sure to pick a restaurant with the type of food they like or maybe you just want to try something new..
- Be sure to plan it so there is no other commitment for the evening and everyone can enjoy themselves.
I believe it is a "given" that you will have to be sure your other guests have sealed lips.
Date/surprise is not planned too far ahead so no one "slips" up at the wrong time.
Act as normal/casual as possible and expect minor problems.
Choose restaurant carefully and let hostess know the details so your table will be in the area least seen from the front door/entrance.
Be sure to check it out before the event.