
Plant Your Sprouting Potatoes?

I just found a bag of potatoes with sprouts as long as 10 inches; there is no smell to the bag. Can I plant them? And do I cut the potatoes in half with sprout attached or put the whole potato with sprouts in ground? I've never planted potatoes. Thanks for your help.


Hardiness Zone: 7b

By sally from Blue Jay, CA

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May 24, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

We just plant them whole. My wife just planted some. We've had better success with sprouted potatoes than with seed potatoes, you just can't get the variety of types is the only drawback.

May 26, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

I'm in zone 7b, too, in Little Rock, and I plant a few potatoes each year for fun with my grandson. I read a book a few years ago by Ruth Stout called 'The No Work Garden'. I liked the sound of that! She noticed potatoes volunteering where she had thrown them out for garden compost, so she stopped digging into the ground to 'plant' them.


She'd place the potato on fertile soil and cover it loosely with a few inches of hay. As they grow, add more hay. I've done this for several years now and still get a kick out of it. The bonus is that you can check for growth progress just by gently pulling back the hay, then recovering the potatoes when you're done.

May 25, 20200 found this helpful

You are better off growing from real seed potatoes as the store bought potatoes have way to many chemicals in it happy growing

July 5, 20100 found this helpful

You just came upon what I did. In my case, a small bag of purple potatoes that are shriveled and have some very strong sprouts that made their way through the plastic bag!! Well, I did some searching this morning and I found a great guy who has a site called "Balcony Jungle." He shows a picture of how my potatoes look and then explains a very concise method of getting them planted.


Here is the link for the page I found. Hope this will help you out like it did me!!

Good Luck! Mine are planted in a make-shift "self-watering" container as I write this!


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