
Plastic Soda Bottle Wind Chimes?

March 11, 2008

Plastic Soda Bottle Wind ChimesDoes anyone know how wide or long the cut needs to be in plastic soda bottle wind chimes. The cut is in the side of the bottle. Does the lid need to be left on?


Deb from Knox, TN


March 14, 20086 found this helpful
Best Answer

Is this what you are referring to as a wind chime? I made this years ago that's why it's a little dirty, here's proof that they last at least 10 years if they're not hanging in the sun.

Take your 1 or 2 leader bottle, rap a piece of paper around the middle, (you may need to tape 2 pieces together to make it fit) of the workable surface from top to bottom (some bottles have a ridge on them work between this) fold the strip of paper into 6 sections, lightly mark each of these sections on the bottle, on the 1st section of paper draw out your design, leaving at least an inch from the top and the bottom before you start your design, be sure not to move into the next section, cut it out, this is now your pattern, place it on your bottle and lightly draw where you're going to cut. I used a soldering iron with a very fine nail in the tip, I'm sure you could use a wood burning tool also.


After you've cut out to design carefully fold back that piece of plastic. I do leave the cap on, heavy fishing line to suspend from a key ring a bead on the inside of the cap that I melted a tiny hole in and I use a fishing lure on the line that it's hanging on so it can spin freely.

By (Guest Post)
March 11, 20083 found this helpful

I sure would like to know the answer to this one, it sounds so good i would like to possibly make it myself. pink2teach AT

March 13, 20080 found this helpful

HAS ANYONE GOT A PHOTOGRAPH OF THIS? It seems interesting but I sure would like to see it to help me make one. Thanks. I checked on the link but no photo!

By kayla (Guest Post)
April 10, 20081 found this helpful

I would really like to know how to make that. I like this thing, so cool.

By Tom J. (Guest Post)
November 12, 20080 found this helpful

It's silly, cheers, Tom

February 27, 20200 found this helpful

It just spins doesn't make noise

April 21, 20210 found this helpful

I have made these years ago. I use to paint mine though. I would just use any shape I wanted, used some carbon paper to trace the shape onto the bottle, cut out half the shape and folded it out. I then too the shape that had a pattern on it and taped it to the flap and the inside of the bottle so I could paint it on the.outside of the bottle.


I then used a clear sealer on the dried painted bottle and hung it with a swivel and fishing line. I don't have any pictures but they were fun to make!

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