
Plumbing Assistance for Low Income Senior Homeowners?

My grandmother's pipes are all messed up. They're all still old clay pipes. She had a plumber come out and look at them and they said one of them must have given out because there was so much mud (we initially thought it was just a clogged line). He gave us an estimate of 6k to dig up the pipes and replace with PVC. She lives alone and is a senior citizen whose only income is her SSI. Are there any programs or a way for her to get help to get this done?


The pipes have gotten so bad that it's just spilling water and sewage into her basement. We have looked into options of doing it ourselves, but are still running into the issue of having to get permits for everything and finding the time since we work full time jobs and have kids and of course the weather right now as well isn't the best.
Located in Iowa.

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 14, 20190 found this helpful

I would look into the Council on Aging and I would also notify social services and local churches.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
February 16, 20190 found this helpful

Perhaps this program in Sioux City can help point you in the right direction:

Prayers that you find some help through an organization.


You could always set up a go fund me for her to pay for the repairs.

I would be sure to get 3 quotes before settling on a fixer. 6K sounds high, but if it is that serious, that may be a valid price.

Post back what you learn!

February 17, 20190 found this helpful


There are thousands of people, or more, just like you and in the same situation. I would call AARP and ask if they have programs that can help homeowners with repair bills.

Here is their number: 888-687-2277

Also, I agree with the suggestion to get more than one opinion on what it would cost to have the pipes fixed.




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