I made a wreath with poufs last year, but this year it went a step further. It's so much fun to take them apart and redo them into something different.
Reusing a piece of copper pipe insulation, you can get very creative with things that are all pretty colors and possibilities!
I hope you like it.
Total Time: 2 hours
Yield: 1
Source: I have seen fancier ones on Pinterest.
- 2 Packages poufs (4 in each)
- 1 yd copper pipe insulation
- 2 ft scrap ribbon
- 1 button
- 3 loose bracelets
- scissors
- hot glue gun with 1 stick
- darning needle
- 2 ft yellow crochet thread

- I had an older wreath form from a wreath I submitted in 2015. I was able to save the crocheted chain I made it with, as I had pinned it on instead of gluing it.
- I wanted to make sure the black insulation didn't show through, so I cut some strips of pretty pink fabric, and wrapped it around, gluing as I went. I will use this tube for something else so I wanted to "innards" to stay usable.

- The next step was to "undo" the poufs to their original state of being tubes of polyester tulle.
- Now, I simply thread them onto the open tube. Since this is not the kind of wreath you add things to or wrap things around, you have to have an open end.
- NOTE: I should have had three tubes of poufs, so I would have had 12 instead of 8. It would have been fuller. Live and learn.

- I brought out some ribbon to make the hanger. Then I picked the perfect button to embellish it. The left over bracelets were a nice touch. I made the ribbon look like it was sewn on, but actually glued it. It is now ready to hang. I like the finished product, but next time(s) I will buy more poufs! I want to make one for the 4th of July!
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Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts April 17, 20200 found this helpful
Turned out beautifully & the colors scream Spring! Love it. Hope all is well there , take care. :)
April 18, 20200 found this helpful
Thanks so much! I am fine. However I am finding there is a big difference between choosing to stay home and having to stay home. Hope you are well too.
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