To help prevent sores, make sure you brush the inside of your dentures. The more food built up onto them, the more sores you'll get in your mouth. You have to keep them clean to help prevent sores. Some stores sell a brush specifically for dentures, it reached into those spots a normal toothbrush can't reach.
For pain, you can put some diluted clove bud oil on them. I used it when I first got mine 7 years ago and now if I happen to get a sore. My mom just got a top denture and is using it to help her pain. She takes a small dropper and puts it at the top of her dentures so it seeps in without her needing to take them out. Clove bud oil numbs skin and gums very well. I've put it in water to numb the pain from a burn and my husband uses a drop when he's removing his ingrown toenails.
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