How do you stop fleas from biting certain people?
By Betty from Annapolis Royal
The only way i've ever gotten rid of fleas is bombing my house and treating my dogs and then 7 days later do it again. As far as keeping them from biting some people, like if your going to someone's house to visit and you know they have fleas, I have used bug spray, sprayed it on my pant legs and shoes. Good luck.
I would definitely get rid of the fleas in general. Then your guests will not have to worry. All you need to do is to remove access to the host, usually your pets. Advantage spot treatment was all it took to rid our home of them years ago.
I understand fleas are attacted to people who have estrogen in their bodies. So that would be women. I am not sure if hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills can exacerbate that problem.
I've heard that you should avoid sweets and take in vinegar-based foods. Also, I take a salt-scrub *(kosher salt mixed with almond oil, vitamin E and essential oil) shower, as this also detracts the bites.
Spray your house with demise or precor. I am so allergic, I end up in hospital. If you are having the same , Use SSS original from avon, to soothe use witch hazel. Advantage or frontline animals. Then spray. Bombs only kill the center of the room fleas lay there eggs under and in . Can get fleas even with no pets. Keep off grass. They will come in on clothes.
I remember when I was a child, my best friends mom used to give their family garlic pills to discourage flea and insect bites. I know they had lots of fleas because they would eat me up but none in their family was bitten so maybe the garlic did really work.