
Preventing Junk Mail or Email Spam

June 25, 2010

Junk Mail or Email SpamTo quickly get rid of a lot of the spam in your email box, just do this. As you check your new mail, go down the list and check the little box next to the spam mail as you go down the list. When done, hit 'delete' or 'spam' at the bottom of the page to remove all the spam emails at once. It only takes a minute of two, and you'd be surprised how much junk mail you get rid of this way.


By lara from Portland, OR

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January 24, 2006

Never post your email address online. If you must, you should post only your junk account (disposable when spam gets out of hand) in the following format...


August 24, 2004

I received a forwarded email about the cost of prescription drugs last night from a relative. There was a person mentioned in the bottom of the email from a government office so I wrote her and asked if she could verify what was in the email. She told me that it was just something that she had forwarded on and now was considered the source of the information. She receives lots of emails a day about it.


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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
September 12, 2007

I have a problem that's driving me nuts. Lately I've been bombarded with annoying e-mails. Crackpot psychics are the least of it. Some are just plain filthy. I have set my "Junk e-mail options" on "high" and I put the senders and domains in the "blocked senders" file but this stuff keeps getting through!

Why isn't it working and where did these e-mails come from all of a sudden? No one else has access to this computer. By the way, my computer's security system lets this filth in but often sends ThriftyFun to the junk e-mail file. Go figure. I'm no computer genius. I'd appreciate any help I can get.

peanuts from Virginia


By Diana (Guest Post)
September 17, 20071 found this helpful
Best Answer

Have you registered for FREE stuff? Completing those forms often generates a LOT of SPAM
I use CA Security and NO SPAM gets through
google it. I think it runs about $30/year

also set up a free e-mail account (Yahoo for example) to give when you are required to give an e-mail address
this will keep you good e-mail free from clutter
Run a check for tracking cookies too and clear them out

By Syd (Guest Post)
September 17, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

I use Message Rule in Outlook Express Email. I set up individual files for messages to go into; i.e. personal, any particular email group I'm on, computer (newsletters), newsletters (general), Recipe group, etc. Click on Message Rules and see what the options there are for setting up your files. You must set up each folder.


Most of the stuff that comes to my Inbox is Spam; I can quickly look to see if all is SPAM then highlight an email and click Control A at the same time, which highlights all the emails in the Inbox then click delete.

Works great for me!

TIP: Occasionally a Message Rule clicks itself off with a red arrow and things that normally go to a folder will wind up in your Inbox. Just go back to Message Rule and correct it.

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Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
October 3, 2007

I keep getting disgusting emails. I tried to have it changed but my ISP's process is so difficult I can't figure it out. Can I get a second email address? Preferably a free one because this computer is costing a fortune as it is. Would I have to report this second address to my ISP? I hate dealing with those people! I'd be so grateful for any help. I'm starting to think getting this computer was the worst mistake I ever made.

Joan from Chesapeake, VA


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
October 3, 20070 found this helpful

How to File a Complaint About Spam


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 519 Posts
October 3, 20070 found this helpful

You need a spam filter - Yahoo email (free) has one built in - and those emails go into bulk where you don't have to look at them! You can even mark those Nigerian scams as spam to help out others!

October 3, 20071 found this helpful

I have an email address through my ISP but generally do not use it. I have established a Yahoo email account that I use for virtually everything. Yahoo mail is absolutely free. I use this mail for all sign ups and anywhere online that asks for an email address.


Since it is free, if I start getting disgusting emails and spam, I simply create another Yahoo email account and use it instead and get rid of the account that is getting all the nasty email. Hope this helps!


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
October 3, 20070 found this helpful

You can get a gmail account from Google for free too. If you have trouble, send me a message through Thriftyfun and I'll help you but you should be able to do it at

I have had a gmail and a yahoo account and I like the options for gmail a little better. It is free and you have all sorts of options for a home page and chat.


I had to abandon my yahoo account because of too much spam and I had another yahoo account that would get sent the most obnoxious spam of a graphic nature. I have never used my ISP's email and they have no idea what the correct email is.

Good luck,



Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
October 3, 20070 found this helpful

Hey, another idea that I have used is to have one email that I use for official business and friends and another that is for online survey and such. I find that the spam tends to come from stuff I do online more often. You can also have one email forward to another one during a transition.


October 5, 20070 found this helpful

If you use Outlook Express to read your email, you can have it filter out certain words (anything you program it to ignore), then they go straight to the deleted folder.

October 5, 20070 found this helpful

I have one gmail account and two yahoo accounts, one of the yahoo accounts is for doing my online Christmas shopping. I prefer gmail because it seems to filter out the spam so much better than yahoo.


Another reason to use web-based email programs is that its much safer than using outlook express. Gmail and yahoo both scan incoming emails for viruses, worms, etc. Gmail also does a good job of warning about phishing emails, ie, those fraudulent ones that seem to come from ebay or a bank but aren't.

One more thing... I have heard it said that its not a good idea to respond to the spammers in any way, shape or form. Do not use their 'unsubscribe' function either because any form of communication just shows them that your email address is valid and then they can sell it to the next spamming jerk in line.

Good luck, and if you need a gmail invite... I would suggest setting up a yahoo account first and then giving the yahoo address for the gmail invite.

By Guest (Guest Post)
October 5, 20070 found this helpful


Ask Dear Webby!

Editor's Note: We agree! If you would like an invitation for a Gmail account click on the Contact Us link and let us know. We'll send one out


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 112 Feedbacks
October 5, 20070 found this helpful

A tip. If you use gmail and you type your address as putting the name of where or what you are are signing up after the plus you will find who is doing the spamming. Gmail will not read what comes after the plus but you will see it when the mail comes.
Not sure I have made this clear does work to find who is spamming you..

October 5, 20070 found this helpful

I know just how you feel. If I said it once, I said it a thousand times, getting this computer was a mistake, now things are so much better, I LOL it. Just don't give up. Everyone has given you good advice. I have three e-mail address. One is my ISP which I had so much trouble with. So I switch to Yahoo (The one I use), I also have have Aim, with is AOL, to get it just go to These are all free along with a lot more. To change or add another e-mail on your ISP, just go to you account. Sometimes you have to look and read, but before long it will get easier. One thing to remember is never open a e-mail from someone you don't know. Try this site for computer help it has helped me a lot. They have great newletters Good luck. Write back on and let use know if you have any more questions.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
October 5, 20070 found this helpful

I do use hotmail, and have also used yahoo. Hotmail has a setting for sorting through your mail; I have it set to "exclusive" so that only things I subscribe to such as this newsletter, and my contacts come into my inbox. I check my "junk" mail to see if there are any messages that I want to receive, and if not the rest is deleted unopened and marked as junk. Over time the amount of junk has reduced to nothing. Also, as others have said, you can have as many of these accounts as you like, and you can close them out when ever you like. They are free of charge. I have a couple of accounts for different purposes. You don't have to let anything or anybody know about these accounts.

Louise, Nipawin, Canada

By Ellie. (Guest Post)
October 5, 20070 found this helpful

I have a special 'Spam' folder where all those disgusting emails go. I do check it each day, then just delete- delete.. delete, without ever reading the email. Even the titles are disgusting enough.
It's a pity there are people around who have nothing better to do with their brains and their time than to send out this unwanted rubbish.

By (Guest Post)
October 8, 20070 found this helpful

My Yahoo account is set on high spam filter and I still get horrible spam e-mails. Hotmail is not too bad if you set the filter on high. I haven't had too many problems. I use my ISP e-mail with outlook and can organize my e-mails, the problem with that is they never come with the same e-mail address and they still get through. Spammers are smart..they are like us and don't want all that "crud" so they know how to get around it.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
October 8, 20070 found this helpful

With AOL I get very little spam, maybe a couple a week. I report them by forwarding to:

and to SpamCop.

Northern Virginia

By Syd. (Guest Post)
October 15, 20070 found this helpful

Use Message Rules in Outlook Express.

Click on Tools> Message Rules> New and proceed to enter the groups, etc. It is pretty much self-explanatory, click on it and you will see what I mean. You can also list certain words in the subject and have them sent to delete box.

Set up folders for your email groups, newsletters, graphics, personal, etc. Most everything that is in the inbox is Spam then delete the whole inbox. (tip: to delete entire box quick, click on email & immediately hold down Ctrl key and click A key; this highlights all items in the inbox, then click Delete).

Works great for me!

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January 15, 2006

I use Outlook Express, and I am suddenly being invaded by junk mail soliciting either refinancing, stocks et. I did not have this before, I am replying to them to stop but some are returning as undelivered. We have Norton, Antispyware, etc.

Please help!

Ana from Pembroke Pines, Florida


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
May 25, 20050 found this helpful

For a free spam remover, ask your ISP (internet service provider) to suggest one. They know the best ones that are free. If you love it, you can buy it, but it's usually not necessary. Most ISP's are very helpful with little tips that make your relationship with your computer much smoother. If nothing works, buy those sponge bricks, and you know what to do from there.

By Ardis Ilene Barnes

By Julie C. (Guest Post)
May 25, 20051 found this helpful

I use adaware, its a free download from lavasoft....I ran it on my aging old computer and it found 600+ you'd never know the computer is 5 years old! ( )

By syd (Guest Post)
May 25, 20050 found this helpful

Someone mentioned ...
I use adaware, its a free download from lavasoft....I ran it on my aging old computer and it found 600+ you'd never know the computer is 5 years old! ( )

This is a very good program, however, this is for "tracking cookies" Lavasoft calls them "web bugs" and it does help, but does not take care of all SPAM.

I use Lavasoft and scan my computer several times a day for tracking cookies and delete them. It's a maintenance thing!

I find that using "message rules" in Outlook Express works quite well for me. I set up folders and my designated emails go direct to the folders in Outlook Express ... most of what is in my "inbox" is spam. I do a quick look to make sure a good email is not there, then just highlight everything in the inbox and delete.

It is rather easy to set up. There is always Windows books to refer to.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
July 8, 20050 found this helpful

Changing your e-mail address once in a while is a good idea. In fact, I have found that using a different name and e-mail address for certain types of sites is safer than using the same name and address and password for everything. It cuts down on the danger of ID theft. And it sure cuts down on the junk email.

By Ardis Barnes

By pam tucker (Guest Post)
July 8, 20050 found this helpful

I have one email address that I do not get any spam in because I only give that address out to certain companies like credit card or the bank. I use another email address for newsletters and contests. I know I am going to get spam in those, but I have a great spam filter.

By pam tucker (Guest Post)
July 8, 20050 found this helpful

I have one email address that I do not get any spam in because I only give that address out to certain companies like credit card or the bank. I use another email address for newsletters and contests. I know I am going to get spam in those, but I have a great spam filter.

By Patti (Guest Post)
January 15, 20060 found this helpful

Ana, all the advice you've received so far is good. One more thing -- you have inadvertently made a BIG mistake. You've replied to the spam messages. When you reply in any way, even by hitting the "unsubscribe" button, you are telling the spammers that your e-mail is current and legitimate. Therefore, they sell your e-mail to MORE spammers who send you MORE spam, etc etc etc.

Believe me -- I am the voice of experience. :-(

It's a sick world, to be sure. Good luck with your new address.

By Shirley (Guest Post)
January 16, 20060 found this helpful

I have had the same problem lately...I do have Norton Spam blocker on my computer and that eliminates a lot of them, and I do use the block sender feature. I thought it was NOT a good idea to respond to them so they cannot identify your computer?

By (Guest Post)
January 16, 20060 found this helpful

It's a bad idea to respond to spam. The spammer now knows it's a good email addy and you will get even more spam. Best thing is to just delete it all, unread.

Only friends and relatives have my real email addy and I don't get any spam. I use a freebie email account for any online registrations, account contacts, etc.

By Connie A. (Guest Post)
January 16, 20060 found this helpful

We get this junk also. I go to "Messages" at the top and click on "Block Sender" this will stop this particular sender although more will arise. I just keep blocking. Maybe they aren't getting the message but neither and I getting "their" emails. Please don't reply to spam, this only makes it worse and they gain more information about you than you care to give.

By Roberta (Guest Post)
January 17, 20060 found this helpful

I too had that problem but downloaded Stop-Sign spyware and virus program and it's the best I've ever used. It allows you to block further email, should it slip through, right on your email program. There is a "block/allow" panel and you just drag the email to there and it blocks further attempts.
I will say I have rarely had to even use that since it stops mass mailings, finds and isolates virus emails, stops pop-up, etc. Can you tell I really love the program!


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
January 17, 20060 found this helpful

Go to google and type in
it's free and is wonderful for finding spyware that the other companies can't. You will have to re-download it everytime you use it unless you buy the product.

Also, put your computer in Safety Mode and run an anti-spyware program. You might find a few of those programs lurking there (a computer professional told me to do this).

By syd (Guest Post)
January 19, 20060 found this helpful

Message Rules is Free:

I find that using "message rules" in Outlook Express works quite well for me. I set up folders and my designated emails go direct to the folders in Outlook Express ... most of what is in my "inbox" is spam. I do a quick look to make sure a good email is not there, then just highlight everything in the inbox and delete.

It is rather easy to set up. There is always Windows books to refer to.

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August 7, 2007

Hello Frugal friends,

I was wanting to know why all my junk mail isn't going into my junk mail folder, it always goes into my inbox. That's a pain to separate all the time. Thanks for all the advice, I appreciate it all.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 139 Feedbacks
August 8, 20070 found this helpful

Teresa, I don't know which your e-mail carrier you have, but Yahoo, MyWay and Hotmail allow you to mark junk e-mail as "spam" (or "junk" in Hotmail). I do that everytime spam gets into my "inbox" and pretty soon, you have a fairly junk free inbox. There are always one or 2 that slip through from time to time. On the other hand, you also need to check your junk folder to make sure "good" e-mail didn't slip in there....I've had that happen several times, too.

August 9, 20070 found this helpful

I have Hotmail
When you click on mail on the right side you will see OPTIONS l HELP
Click on options, then Junk E Mail Protection, then Junk E Mail Filter.
You now have 3 options: Low, Enchanced, Exclusive
Click on the one that you think will be best.
I have Exclusive and very rarely get junk mail in my inbox.
Always check you junk mail before you delete it for e-mails that you want to receive in your inbox.
Any e-mails in your junk mail that you want to receive in your inbox check the box beside it and click on not junk, then you can add it to your contacts or to a safe list and they will always go directly to your inbox.
We are allowed 200 addresses on our safe list on Hotmail.
If you don't have hotmail look for OPTIONS or something similar when you sign in or open your mail.

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April 29, 2010

It looks like someone has been using my account to send spam. I keep getting failure notices for mail (spam) that I didn't send. How do I stop this? Thanks.

By Tami from Ojai, CA


April 29, 20100 found this helpful

Change your password immediately!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
April 29, 20100 found this helpful

This happened with many facebook members. Change you facebook and your email passwords.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
April 30, 20100 found this helpful

Yes, change your passwords. This happened to me.

May 14, 20100 found this helpful

You might want to check for viruses. Many viruses are created to do this.

January 21, 20110 found this helpful

I have been dealing with this all week. I signed up at Sally's Beauty Supply for their discount club. I purposely used a "dead" email address that I have not used in 3 years. Two days after signing up for the club card, me and all my friends/family have received SPAM emails. So be careful about giving out your email address. And when signing up for clubs that say they don't sell your address know that it is a bold faced lie. Especially with Sally's Beauty Supply.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 104 Posts
January 27, 20120 found this helpful

I kept getting messages from a friends mail account and it was messages she did not send. I'm confused as to how this could happen.

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 104 Posts
January 27, 2012

I keep getting spam from one place that's trying to sell something. I use the filter in Yahoo mail, but that doesn't stop them from continuing to send me mail. In the "sender" field or the "subject" field they just add certain numbers or characters and the spam continues to get through.

If I could figure out which of my mail accounts they are sending it to I could delete that account. Without opening the spam I can't tell which of my mail accounts it's using. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated as every day I get spam from them trying to sell me Viagra.

By Betty from Lubbock, TX


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts
January 27, 20120 found this helpful

If you have a hotmail account you can use the sweep feature to rid yourself of pests. Everything which isn't from someone on my contact list goes to junk. I go in there periodically to sweep everything and it will block the addresses

January 28, 20120 found this helpful

Try setting up a separate yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc. account & use only that when giving out your e-mail addy on the net. I did that several years ago & check the account only about 2-3 times a week OR a little more if I know I've recently used that account on a website. Am sure it seems to some like more than they care about doing however it's amazing how much garbage ends up in the alternate account. Major upside is there hasn't been a bit of spam in either my husband's main or my own main account for years.

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April 29, 2010

It looks like someone has been using my account to send spam. I keep getting failure notices for mail (spam) that I didn't send. How do I stop this?

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