I have a problem every spring and summer with gnats in my kitchen. Any ideas? - Susan J.
Problem with Gnats
I too deal with gnats and here is how I cut down on them. First, put away ALL food, including fruit in the fruit bowl. Put food scraps in bags before putting in trash can, and empty trash frequently. Make a gnat trap-a small bowl of vinegar with a few drops of dishwashing liquid works well-change frequently. You can also put a piece of banana in a jar, stretch plastic wrap over the mouth and secure with a rubber band, then poke holes in plastic wrap-they can get in but they can't get out. This get gross after a while. At night, pour some bleach down EACH drain in your house, and plug-that is where they breed. Good luck. :-)
Post by Connie
Problem with Gnats
The best solution I have found for gnats in the kitchen is as follows: take a large glass or jar, put a little cider vinegar in the bottom and put saran wrap over the top, secure with rubber band. Make a very small hole in the top just big enough for a gnat to get through. They will come in to get the vinegar, but cannot find their way out. This works very well for me.
Post by Wanda
Problem with Gnats
This is for the lady with gnats in her kitchen. Could they possibly be fruit flies?
Post by Karin
Problem with Gnats
Place a piece of banana peel into an old ketchup bottle (long necked small mouthed bottle) lay the bottle on it's side at night. In the morning the flies should be in the jar enjoying the banana peel. Without moving the jar place the cap on, locking the bugs inside. You can toss out the bottle trap or just wash it out outside and reuse again if needed.
Mrs. Kathy Cohen Northfield, VT
Post by kcohenvt
Problem with Gnats
I would like to thank Wanda, Karin, and Connie for your help with my gnat problem. I am a single guy who knows nothing about plants but to water them and my aunt brought me plants with gnats on them and they had infested my entire home. I searched all over the internet before I found your remedies and I they all worked!
Thanks ladies
Post by Steve Herron
Problem with Gnats
The Cider Vinegar with saran wrap and rubber band with small hole does not work for all gnats. I have little black gnats, not fruit flies or fruit gnats. Any other ideas I can use. Black Gnats just fly around cup, won't even land on lid.
Please Help,
Going "Gnaty"
Post by Shawn
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