I have seen these tips on the internet, and had not had a chance to try it till now. A friend gave me one African violet leaf after my AV had sadly died because I didn't understand how to keep it happy. Another friend gave me a sage plant leaf.
This was all around October or November and the images show how far along they are.
Two things:
1) It seems to help the propagation process to keep them in a bell jar or terrarium situation, which keeps the humidity up.
2) African violets dislike water on their leaves so once a week I soak the bottom in a water/fertilizer mix.
3) Succulents require no watering or steaming in any way, if you keep it inside the bell jar situation. You just leave it in the dirt and let it do its thing.
After this growth stage, I need to figure out what else to do!
Resources for violet found in the in the link below. Resource for succulents was the YouTube videos of this person (Sucs for you, tee hee) https://sucsforyou.com/about/
Link: https://www.violetbarn.com/plant_care/lessons/propagating-african-violets-by-leaf/
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
How can you grow or reroot an African violet from a stem leaf?
By Andrea H
Just snap a leaf off with a little of the stem if possible. Bury it a little past the stem (up onto the bottom of the leaf) in a nice potting soil, water the soil, and keep the soil moist. After a while, you will see a tiny new leaf growing from the base of the old leaf.