I have a tall blue spruce tree, 30+ft tall. I would guess it is 25 years old. The older part or lower half has no inside needles, only on the tips giving it a sparse look. If I prune it would it fill in? Is this from age or is it unhealthy? It gets full sun and continues to grow, even though I wish it would stop. You refer to removing the central leader, but am not sure what that is and if I can do it myself or need professional help.
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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts November 4, 20170 found this helpful
- You'll need to mix 7 cups of denatured alcohol, with 3 cups of water in a bucket.
- Dip the blade of your pole saw in the liquid.
- wipe it clean.
- You can only trim the tree during the growing season in the spring.
- These trees can grow over 100 feet tall.
- You need to check the tree for dead limbs and cut them off.
- Cut them flush with the tree's trunk
- Check for any new growth on the dead branches. If you see new growth cut the branch 1 inch in front of the new growth.
- During the growing season this will flourish and grow.
- Cut any branches that rub together flush with the trees turnk.

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts November 4, 20171 found this helpful
If you have a hacksaw and are not afraid of heights you can prune in the spring when there is new growth. You want to avoid the central branch.
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