
Puppy Recovering from Parvo Can't Walk?

Puppy Recovering from Parvo Can't Walk - reddish brown puppyMy 2 month pup that I rescued contracted parvovirus. She stayed at the vet's for 7 days and when I picked her up she was very emaciated and she can't walk. They said she refused to eat and drink on her own so they fed her with a tube. She is eating for me, but she still can't get up. Is this normal?


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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 16, 20181 found this helpful

That doesnt sound normal. I would call the vet.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 16, 20181 found this helpful

Prayers for the pup and you. Definitely call the vet ASAP. Hopefully they can give you answers and safe exercises to help her regain muscle strength.

Good luck!!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
July 18, 20181 found this helpful

You do need to let your Vet know she cant walk. It may just be weakness from her illness and she will gradually gain strength. You can help her exercise by supporting her back end with a towel under her belly. Usually dogs will walk with their front feet while you bring up the rear with a towel. There are slings made for this, but they are a little pricey.


Your dog most likely has lost muscle strength from being in a cage. And the recovery from parvo can take quite awhile, weeks to months. It is important that you get her to move and use those muscles. Be sure and check with your Vet first.

August 1, 20180 found this helpful

After paying $4000 that was how the vet sent her home. We will never take her back there again and after 2 weeks of around the clock care at home (literally up every 2-4 hours the first week) we nursed her back to health.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
July 23, 20181 found this helpful

I certainly agree about talking to your vet but a visit would be much better. Vet bills are very high but this may mean a difference between life and death with this baby so maybe ask for a time payment if money is a problem.


I hope this is all behind you now and your puppy is getting over all her illness.


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