I am looking for a skit or program to use in church when we honor the ladies who make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. I am unable to find any skits about quilting. Please help! Thanks!
Becky from Polk, NE
Hey how is it going? Maybe you should write the skit yourself. I know the importance of quilting as the women of my family would gather and use scraps and create beautiful quilts that would warm us and remind us of our family's bond. You know the importance of those womens' work as well. The skit could be about someone (maybe a child) who is learning about what quilting is and its history and relevance-whenever I would wrap a throw or a quilt onto myself, I knew I was loved and the quilt is evidence of it. Good luck on your skit and may God bless you to continue to do charitable deeds on His behalf.
Give me a few days to think on this one and I'll try to help you come up with one.My first thoughts were of a Granny explaining that many times aquilt is made of many different designs and colors yet they are all pieced together to become one solid piece.This is much the same as with people.Despite all our difference in appearance and style we can all work together to become a unified world striving to become ONE for a specific purpose.Think about it for a minute.I sends chills up my spine to think about what a wonderful world it could be if this could be accomplished,and we could ALL live in peace and harmony.
Guess what? I googled it and came up with a link called www.christiancreations.com It actually has a book of different skits with a message and there is one on quilting!!!!! How's that???!!!