
Quitting Smoking?

I have a total of 9 days smoke free, but I have been crying at the drop of the hat. Is it normal to go thru this? I feel depressed and unmotivated. Please help! Thanks.


By Debby

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August 22, 20120 found this helpful
Best Answer

Yes this is normal. It is just a side effect of being without the drug. If you explain to your family, friends and colleagues that you might cry at any time, they will understand.

Now you are over the worst, make sure that you never have a cigarette again.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 190 Feedbacks
September 7, 20120 found this helpful
Best Answer

Are you by any chance using Chantix? If so, it is known to cause depression and can even make you suicidal. Perhaps you're one that can't use it if you are using it. I used it to quit smoking (1 year ago last April), but it didn't bother me other than the crazy dreams.


I did wean myself off the Chantix once I felt I had a good hold of not smoking. I also used nicotine lozenges. I'm smoke free for 1 year and almost 5 months and it's the best thing I did. I was also on Weight Watchers and lost 52 lbs. Unfortunately I lost my job and gained back about 20. I hope to lose that soon since I found a new job which I start on Monday. Good luck to you. You can do it.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
August 22, 20120 found this helpful

Quitting smoking is like mourning over the death of a best friend and I promise it gets better over time. Keep up the good work and don't let the worries of being emotional (or any other symptoms) sabotoge you/trick you into smoking again, okay?

August 22, 20120 found this helpful

Yes it is normal. As Deeli says it's like mourning the death of a best friend. If it keeps up though see your doctor. My doctor sent me to a psychiatrist and I found out I was also having a physical reaction. She put me on anti depressants and next month I will be 4 years smoke free.


Aside from obvious health benefits I have saved so much that I have built myself a quilt studio.
I wish you well on your journey.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
August 23, 20120 found this helpful

WOW - Congratulations! What a tremendous step you've taken. Any addiction can be difficult to overcome, and nicotine is no exception. Take some time for yourself and soak in a tub full of water with epsom salts added (1-2 cups) for at least 30 minutes, at least once per day if possible. It will draw toxins out of your body and hopefully help the symptoms pass quicker.

Exercise or a nice long walk will help with the depression. Allow yourself 5-10 minutes/day to cry your eyes out, then pick yourself up and refuse to do it again that day - force yourself to act happy. It has been proven that if you act a specific way, your body will follow and you will soon begin to feel that way. You've made it through the toughest days - I'm thoroughly impressed at your resolve. Wishing you the best!


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