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This homemade "Taggie" is super soft and colorful. These are easy to make and your baby will love it!
- white Minky fabric
- ribbon (rainbow colors), 4 in. each
- a cloud template
- pins
- thread
- scissors
- sewing machine

- Fold Minky in half. Trace around cloud template with a pen.

- Pin the two layers together so that they don't slip. Then cut out along the pen lines.

- Lay out ribbon pieces around cloud to figure out placement.

- Loop the ribbon pieces and pin in place to the right side of one of the clouds. Be sure to have the loops going in towards the center of the cloud.
- NOTE: I suggest turning the ribbon loops out (like they will be on the finished piece) to make sure their placement works. Then fold them back towards the middle.

- Pin the other cloud half in place, removing the pins that held the ribbon on and repinning with the ribbon between the two layers. Use as many pins as necessary to hold it together, Minky is very stretchy.
- Sew together on sewing machine (1/4 in. seam), leaving an opening to turn it right side out. Tie off thread ends. Once it is right side out, hand sew the opening closed.
- Pin the layers together in a few places and top stitch (1/4 in. seam) around the edges of the cloud. Tie off thread ends and snip off extra.
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