- 3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs
- 3 Tbsp. margarine or butter, melted
- 2 Tbsp. brown sugar
- 3 eggs, separated
- 1 package (8 oz) cream cheese
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/8 tsp. salt
- 1 cup cream
- 1 package frozen red or black raspberries
Combine crumbs, butter, and sugar. Press into greased 7x11 inch pan. Bake at 375 degrees F for about 8 minutes. Cool. Beat egg yolks until thick; add cream cheese, sugar and salt. Beat until smooth and light. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. In a separate bowl whip topping. Fold topping and egg whites into cream cheese mixture. In blender crush raspberries to a pulp. Swirl half of fruit pulp through cheese filling and spread. Freeze.
By Robin from Washington, IA