
Really Strange Joke

"If you're paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a doghouse?

None! Cause Ice cream doesn't have bones!"

By Susannah

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By Tom in MO. (Guest Post)
May 28, 20050 found this helpful
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Q. What's the difference between a duck?

A. One leg is both the same.

July 15, 20160 found this helpful

The joke as I heard it 40 years ago.gos.How many pancakes dos it take to fill a dog house while standing in the middle of a lake with a canoe over your head? The punchline is the same

March 14, 20180 found this helpful

Where have you heard this? I used to tell this in the navy, but i was the only one who's ever heard it, and i don't know it's origin

March 12, 20200 found this helpful

Hahaha!!! My dad would tell a similar joke to me as a kid....
Dad: Whats the difference between a grape?
Me: Huh???
Dad: One leg is both the same!


Me: What???
Dad: Well, ice cream dont have bones!

I once told this for Show and Tell in 3rd grade....I almost got the hook off stage

By Frances (Guest Post)
July 12, 20053 found this helpful
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Heard this about 35 years ago - but never heard an answer ~~

If it takes a hen and a half, a day and a half, to lay an egg and a half - how long does it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a cucumber?

November 23, 20160 found this helpful
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When you're riding in a canoe, up a tree, and one wheel falls off, how many pancakes does it take to get to the moon?

None, cuz snakes don't have armpits!

December 4, 20160 found this helpful
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So you're climbing up a tree an wheel falls off how many pancakes does it take to get to the moon?

Purple stupid snakes don't have elbows

January 25, 20170 found this helpful

Alabama rocket dolphine

January 26, 20170 found this helpful

The asker usually enda up asking Do you give up? And most people say yes. Then the asker answers Do worry, so did the grasshopper

June 10, 20180 found this helpful

It depends if the grasshopper is tired or not.

July 11, 20180 found this helpful

14 because penguins cant skate on hard ice

January 30, 20190 found this helpful


February 13, 20190 found this helpful

4.2398759 years. As eggs and a half can be easily smashed by wooden legs, the meaning of life, the universe, and everything is actually raccoons. Using the raccoon theorem and the knowledge that hens do not like flatbread, we can see that 15.2169146051/3.589 = 4.2398759.

By (Guest Post)
January 10, 20060 found this helpful
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As I heard it..."If you were paddling upstream in a canoe, how many pancakes does it take to cover a doghouse?" "It doesn't really matter because there are no pits in ice cream." "It could have been a cantaloupe, but it doesn't have any horns." "It was a football about this(hold index finger and thumb about 1 inch apart) color."

May 9, 20160 found this helpful
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Wow, this is like a bad game of telephone! The original joke:

Q: If you're paddling through the desert without an oar, how many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse? A: None, because ice cream has no bones

April 17, 20180 found this helpful

I heard your flying over the Sahara in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes does it take to build a house

May 5, 20180 found this helpful

Or, "plenty because the llama met a sheep."

September 29, 20180 found this helpful

The way I heard it 30+ years ago was.

if you're rolling down the hill in your canoe and the wheels fall off... does it work?
Nooooo cause bones don't have wheels...


either way all above made me lmao

January 5, 20190 found this helpful

17.5 cuz a snake doesnt have arm pits and it takes 13 and 3/4 boxes of rice cricbys to fill a small canoe on a Saturday afternoon,sitting all by yourself trying to pick a hair off a fles bag with boxing gloves.

February 24, 20190 found this helpful

I thought it was
2 men were driving up the road in a canoe and the tires fall off. So how many green boens does it take to build a dog house? A football off course, because a vest has no sleeves.

July 9, 20190 found this helpful

I 1st heard this in 1967. This is the original. Because ice cream has no bones and root beer floats on ice.

January 6, 20130 found this helpful
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If your mother was a doctor and your father was a surgeon. How long would it take 10 minutes to cover the inside of a doghouse with pancakes?


Right or wrong? Wrong footballs don't have ears. Have you ever seen a banana with a zipper?

August 26, 20180 found this helpful

I heard it this way...Q : If you were driving down the street in your canoe, and one of the 4 wheels fell off, how many pancakes would it take to patch the roof ?
A: None, because ice cream has no bones, but whats that got to do with the cost of apples in India ?

October 1, 20180 found this helpful

Yes. But it was a bananagram bag

March 19, 20150 found this helpful
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I thought it was "If you are paddling upstream in a canoe, and you get a flat tire, how many pancakes does it take to build a doghouse?" Then the answer was " Blue, because Ice cream has no bones"

September 6, 20160 found this helpful
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The way I heard it from a guy from California was "If you are rowing up a 2 lane stream in a one lane canoe and you lose your saddle, how many waffles does it take to shingle a doghouse"

October 4, 20170 found this helpful
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The way i heard it 40+ years ago...
Question: If your in a canoe traveling down the highway at 90 mph and got 4 flat tires, how many pancakes does it take to build a dog house.


Answer: There's no bones in ice cream

April 11, 20180 found this helpful

13 is the answer because there's no chicken bones in vanilla ice cream

July 24, 20160 found this helpful
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I know this is an old thread but had to comment... never heard this version of the joke. The version I was taught almost 40 years ago is this:

You're walking down the street in your canoe; how many pancakes can you stack on your trunk? None, because ice cream don't have bones.

July 18, 20180 found this helpful

I don't get it at all.

January 27, 20200 found this helpful

My dad's version

If you are running through the forest and your canoe gets a flat tire, how many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse.


None, because aliens don't wear hats

August 27, 20160 found this helpful
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Alright, I need to get the version I was told as a kid out there... Not sure if I heard it from my dad or my uncle, but here it goes:
Q: If it takes 16 flapjacks to shingle a doghouse, how long would it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle?
A: Half an orange.
You wanna know why? Cuz a vest doesn't have sleeves!
For what it's worth, I lived in CT til I was eight, then in upstate NY til I was twelve. I'm guessing that I first heard this about 45 years ago, when I was ten.

May 3, 20180 found this helpful

Have you heard this one? If an elephant can eat a steak in two swallows how long will two pounds of baloney float in a gallon of gasoline?

January 24, 20170 found this helpful
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If you're driving down the road in your canoe and you get four flat tires, how many pancakes does it take to shingle a dog house?
None, ice cream doesn't have bones!

January 27, 20170 found this helpful
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I made this joke up nearly 50 years ago. The real line is, If you are going down the river and your canoe has a flat tire, how many pancakes does it take to shingle a dog house.


I even made up the answer. 13 because you should not give a dog ice cream.

May 2, 20190 found this helpful

As we passed it around middle school in 1963 or so on Long Island, NY:
You're riding down the street in a bus and the front left wheel falls off. So how many shingles does it take to cover your dog house?
18, because there's no bones in ice cream...

February 22, 20170 found this helpful
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I am from the tri-state area, and the 70's version that I heard was:
Q: If the canoe on your roof, has three flat tires. How many pancakes does it take to cover your dog house?
A: Half as long, as it takes a crossed eyed grasshopper to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle.

June 3, 20170 found this helpful
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How many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse?
Answer; Blue
Why: Because aliens don't wear tin foil hats

Thats the way I heard it back in my college days.

December 2, 20190 found this helpful

Q:Your driving down the river when the wheels of your canoe fall off, how many pancakes does it take to roof a dog house..... A:12 because fish dont like blue icecream

July 19, 20170 found this helpful
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If u are paddling a canoe up a tree and it gets a flat tire, how many pancakes does it take to cover a doghouse?
None, because ice cream doesn't have bones.

July 19, 20170 found this helpful
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What's the difference between a duck?

The higher it flies the much.

July 19, 20170 found this helpful
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Ladies and gentlemen I've come before you to stand behind you and tell you something I know nothing about. Next Thursday which is Good Friday there is a ladies aid meeting for men only. Free admission, pay at the door, pull up a seat and sit in the floor.

July 26, 20170 found this helpful
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It takes 37 because ice cream dont got bones... so which way is faster, too Seattle or by bus?

August 12, 20170 found this helpful
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Two guys are walking down the street with a canoe one their back four wheels fall off so how many pancakes can you fit in a doghouse none because ice cream doesn't melt on mashed potatoes Philly Style

August 29, 20170 found this helpful
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"I'd just like to add a further note if I may, that inasmuch as we have said these things, we have hoped that the newness that has worn off... has come through feeling that the long arm has reached out, and brought back, one tbat we could slip under the door."
Dick Martin, 'Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In'

September 8, 20170 found this helpful
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Here's the version that I remember from the 60's, midwest, Chicago. "If you were walking down the street and saw a right handed man carrying a left handed canoe, how many pancakes would it take to fill up a doghouse? Thirteen, because ice cream has no bones."

Thats MY story, and I'm stickin' to it. Goes right along with the 60's "Memory Test" that starts out "One hen, two ducks, three squawking geese, four limerick oysters ... " that I can still do today. Amazing myself too! (Thanks Aunt Joan)

September 24, 20170 found this helpful
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If a cat jumps out of the boat, and all four wheels fall off, how many marshmallows does it take to build a dog house?

None because pillows don't have arms or legs

October 12, 20170 found this helpful
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If your driving your canoe up a tree, and there's fork in the road, how many pancakes does it take to cover the barn door

May 29, 20050 found this helpful

Clear as mud! :)

By Karen in NH (Guest Post)
May 29, 20050 found this helpful

Okay, Susannah, I have to ask--are you from Maine? I first heard that joke when I met my ex-husband more than 20 yrs ago and he's from northern Maine. Thanks for the memory! :)

June 22, 20170 found this helpful
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Let's say your rolling your canoe down the sidewalk and the paddle on the boot breaks off, how many pancakes does it take to shingle a dog house? None because dogs don't lay eggs.

By Mary (Guest Post)
May 29, 20050 found this helpful

I've heard that using drugs may impair your thinking. There is help available for you :-)

By michele (Guest Post)
August 1, 20050 found this helpful

my brother told me a close version of this joke over and over when i was 5 and he was 17. his version asked, "if you're rowing across the river and the cat jumped many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse?" at 5 years old i tried a different number every time just hoping i would be right. that was a good memory...i'm 33 now! haha

January 11, 20060 found this helpful

these are hilarious!! I have never heard any of them and I will be sure to use them with my co-workers. I work with mostly all men and they ask a lot of nosy questions. I think from now on, instead of replying in a sarcastic and hateful way, I'm going to come back at them with one of these riddles. They are all grown men over the age of 40, some over 50 but act like they are in junior high school. One of these statements will really get them going!!!! Thanks for posting!!!

January 2, 20172 found this helpful

Not funny since everyone has been hearing versions of it since Moses walked the earth and John the Baptist was still in good with King Herod. It should be inspiration to make up your own, on the fly dumb jokes

January 2, 20170 found this helpful
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Two penguin are in the Big Apple bustling along with everyone else's pace on the sidewalk when one of the penguin (Joe) stops suddenly and asks the first penguin Tom, "Hey, Tom !? Gimme a typewriter !! Tom screams back, "No way! What do you think I am, an icecube !!??!

July 16, 20060 found this helpful

I'm from England so haven't heard any of these jokes before. I can't stop laughing at them. Has anyone got anymore eccentric funnies?

By Cq (Guest Post)
November 8, 20070 found this helpful

So what was the answer to the pancake joke?

By chris (Guest Post)
February 15, 20080 found this helpful

I still don't get it?

By (Guest Post)
October 10, 20080 found this helpful

Someone help and explain the answer.

September 24, 20160 found this helpful

I thought I would try to stump Google and asked it the dumbest riddle my grandpa ever told me. This thread is hilarious!!

February 3, 20170 found this helpful

GREAT. This is a dumb joke that my Mom used to tell.

July 19, 20170 found this helpful

I heard How many cookies does it take to cover a dog house One great big one because a vest has no sleeves and ice cream has no bones its like going up river with one ore

November 10, 20170 found this helpful

Q: Why is a mouse when it spins? A: because one of it's feet are closer apart!

November 10, 20170 found this helpful

I remember hearing the canoe question this way: "If you were riding your bike and your wings fell off your canoe, how many pancakes would you have left?"

December 14, 20170 found this helpful

I heard this version over fifty years ago in Texas: If your driving across the desert and your boat has a flat tire, how many pancakes would it take to fill a dog house?
Two answers: bananas because fur doesn't grow on trees. Or, one if it's big enough.

January 14, 20180 found this helpful

So first is my dads version of the doghouse/pancake joke that i got from him as a kid 30 years ago and he got from his dad 30 years before that (I always wondered where it came from but it sounds like a lot of people got similarly odd versions of the joke from their dads--thanks dad!):

Q:If you were walking through the Great Swamp Desert and your wings fell off, how many pancakes does it take to fill a doghouse?

A:Pickles! Ice cream has no bones!

And another one my sister told me as kids:

Two sausages were sitting in a pan on the stove. As the sausages started to sizzle the first looked at the second and said, "Gee, its getting hot in here!"
The second looked at the first and replied, "OH MY GOSH, A TALKING SAUSAGE!!!"

March 7, 20180 found this helpful

If you're driving down the road in your canoe and your doors fall many pancakes does it take to build a doghouse? 16. Because ice cream doesn't have bones. That is the correct way to say it. I made that joke up 30 years ago. Lol

March 9, 20180 found this helpful

What's the answer

May 7, 20180 found this helpful

When you're walking down the road and the tire falls off your canoe how many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse. None there's no bones in chocolate ice cream that is just the way I heard it LOL

November 6, 20180 found this helpful

The way I heard it was this: "If you're driving down the freeway in your canoe and your right wing falls off, how many pancakes does it take to cover a dog?"

A: George Washington.

November 24, 20180 found this helpful

Obviously, its 76 because ice cream doesnt have any hair...

January 1, 20190 found this helpful

I heard it a little different:
If you were paddling upstream and your ore broke, how many shingles would it take to shingle a dog house. 50. Because bananas don't have bones and rocks are very slippery!

January 19, 20190 found this helpful

I disagree. The response should be none, because rattlesnakes dont have armpits

March 13, 20190 found this helpful

How many pancakes does it take to build a doghouse?
None, alligators can't fly.

I first encountered this in Hightimes in 1998.

August 19, 20190 found this helpful

The version I grew up with:

You're paddling down the river and your wheel falls off.
How many pancakes does it take to fill a ditch?
None; ice cream has no bones.

October 31, 20190 found this helpful

Close but no cigar. I'm 62 and remember it all it goes like this:

If you were swimming down the street, how many pancakes would it take to build a log cabin?

Answer: Ice cream has no bones

Second question: Why is a fly? The higher you fly is the much coutesey group of stoners Orange county 1971

November 12, 20190 found this helpful

A table because a book has pages!

December 29, 20190 found this helpful

In 1974, I was in the 8th grade, and in my math book on page 241 was a joke by Mad Marvin, a character throughout our book, that read: If you were rolling down a hill and your pedal fell off, how many frogs are in your oven? And the reply was, Wrong, because ice cream doesnt have bones.

January 7, 20200 found this helpful

The way I heard it was. How many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse? 17. Because there's no bones in the ice cream. I didn't think this thing with the pancakes in the ice cream with no bones was real. My buddy ask me many years ago how many pancakes does it take to shingle a doghouse. Cool

January 8, 20200 found this helpful

About 55 years ago I created a wired joke and I have repeated it to several friends usually after a drink or two: "If a canoe came rolling up your back yard and the two back wheels fell off it, how many pancakes does it take to cover a dog's house? None because icecream doesn't have holes in it."

I have yet to hear anyone repeat it correctly. Lol.... Keith G

August 27, 20200 found this helpful

Back about 35 years ago we would recite it now and then but ours went:
If you're going down the river and the wheels fall off,
How many pancakes does it take to cover the dog house?
None because contrary to popular belief,
Ice Cream has no bones
Wet birds don't fly at night
Bats really can see, they're only faking it.
(then if you were crafty you would actually make up some of your own )
Mine was: And everywhere you go you're there.
It was fun especially when drinking................

November 10, 20200 found this helpful

I had heard....none because purple ice cream has no bones.

January 5, 20220 found this helpful

I first heard THIS odd joke about 20 years ago, but the punchline was "none---because grass does not grow on golf balls".
Either way...funny, funny!


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