I created this for my Mom for Mother's Day but I have also done for anniversaries and I even a friend or child's birthday! It is a personalized book dedicated to someone with REASONS you love them. For example, if it's Mom's 50th birthday, write down 50 reasons why you love her!
It really makes you THINK about all the great things this person means to you and really touches THEM! I found the book I made for my own mom after she passed away, lovingly tucked away in a drawer. Warmed me twice!
You can recruit your children to help illustrate some of the pages or add their OWN pages/reasons (and sign so they know who it's from). You may list ten 'reasons' per page and illustrate the tenth page or whatever you decide!
Total Time: A lifetime of loving memories and one night to type them up.
It's simple to make but very meaningful to a parent, spouse or friend. You'll be glad you made it after you see the reaction!
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I did this for my Mother last year---she was having a bit of a negative/down time...so, I made her a jar with 100 reasons that I love her on separate pieces of paper and put them in the jar...she says she still goes back to it if she starts feeling down..
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