I broke a needle off in my machine and had to take the needle holder loose. The thread guide came off with a little screw and a small piece of metal. How do I put it back together?
By Vickie from Baton Rouge
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The correct placement varies with machine models - the best thing to do is check your sewing machine user manual (if you don't have it anymore a quick search online should bring up the manufacturer website where you can usually find a free download of your model manual).
Or (and this really is the best idea) take the machine and the loose parts to a sewing centre or repair tech's shop. Re-inserting the parts is a quick fix for a repair tech and shouldn't cost you very much at all.
If it's been a while since your machine was serviced, consider leaving it for a good going over. Be sure to check the servicing costs first, and to leave written instruction that any repairs needed should be checked with you first - you may find the repair more pricey than replacing the machine with a current, comparative model with a warranty.
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