Don't throw away old sweaters. Recycle them! I have even bought them at thrift stores to recycle. Most projects can be done in under an hour.
Total Time: 1 hour or less
- old sweaters with the ribbing still intact
- thread
- needle
- sewing machine
- Save old sweaters or find them at thriftstores to recycle into "new" items. Wash and dry before starting.
- Sweater sleeves make cute leggings for little girls. Cut them off at the shoulder, and sew into a straight line. You may wish to add elastic depending on the size of the girl and the size of the sleeves. Position so that the ribbing (cuff part) of the sleeve is at the ankle.
- Use the body of the sweater to make mittens. Again, use the ribbing of the sweater to be the cuff of the mitten (at the wrist).
- Use the body of a cotton or wool sweater to make hot trivets for your dining room table. This is fun to do for the holidays. For example: use an old Christmas sweater for Christmas trivets, a pink or red one for Valentine's, or a green one for Saint Paddy's Day. Don't use acrylic sweaters for this as they can get too hot and melt.
- Sleeves cut and hemmed to size make good water bottle socks to absorb sweat off a cold bottle or to help insulate it.
- Large sized sweaters can be cut down to make jumpers or sweater dresses for toddler girls or sweater vests for toddler boys.
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Marty Dick
Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts March 6, 20150 found this helpful
Wonderful information ... Thanks!
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