This craft is inspired by the daily power interruptions in my area. When candles are too boring to look at, you can always think of a fancy idea to bring light and color during a blackout period.
- 1 PC mini jar
- scissors
- 20-25 PC disposable plastic spoons
- hot glue in glue gun
- white glue
- glitter (optional)
- ribbon (optional)
- candles and match sticks

- Put glue on the sides of each spoon and sprinkle with glitter. Let dry.
- Cut off the head of each spoon. Set aside the handle for it might be useful for other projects.

- I chose to cover the rim of jar with ribbon.

- Start sticking spoon heads around the jar. Make your own design.
- Stick another set of spoon heads for the second layer.

- Then place the last layer on the bottom.

- Put the candle inside the jar and light it up.

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May 27, 20181 found this helpful
I would use faux candles but other than that, this is very cute.

May 28, 20181 found this helpful
LED. I agree.
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