This page contains the following solutions.
Storing partly used rolls of gift wrap can be a bit of a nuisance. The paper unravels and becomes crumpled. You can end up wasting a lot, or sometimes all, of the remaining paper. An elastic band will hold it together but can cause unsightly creasing. Adhesive tape will also keep it in place but leaves a mark.
A simple solution is to take a cardboard tissue roll middle, or the inner tube of another finished roll of wrapping, and cut along its length.
Pop it around the gift wrap to prevent it opening out and spoiling.Cut open a toilet paper roll and use it as a cuff to save your wrapping paper and keep it from unrolling.
Here is a way to use empty toilet paper rolls to keep gift wrapping paper rolled up. Slip the roll through to hold the paper.
If the wrapping paper roll is thicker, cut the tube and it will hold it as well.