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This is a simple recycled plastic bottle project that will allow you to grow your herbs year round. Furthermore, the herb planters are easy to care for and don't need to be watered daily.
Total Time: 30 minutes
Yield: 1 recycled planter
- recycled plastic drink bottles (depends on the number of planters you want to make)
- pair of scissors
- pocket knife
- roll of jute or macrame twine
- 8 to 15 small pebbles
- plant soil to fill the top of the bottles, amount will depend on how many planters you make)
- 3 herb seeds or herb plants

- Remove the bottle cap and clean the bottle with water.
- Use the blade of your pocket knife and insert it in the bottle just under the label.

- Cut a small slit in the bottle so you can insert your scissors.
- Cut around the label of the bottle.

- You now have two pieces of the bottle. Take the neck of your bottle piece and turn it upside down.

- Insert the small blade of your pocket knife into the bottle just below the label. You want to make a small round cut in the bottle neck.

- Repeat step 6 making a second round cut in the bottle neck. The second cut is approximately 1 inch apart.
- Cut your piece of jute or macramé cord. Youll need to double your cord. It is easy to use the bottom of the bottle to determine the length of cord you'll need. I normally cut my cord 1 inch above the bottom of the bottle. When I cut the cord I made sure it is doubled.
- Insert both ends of the cord into the two holes on the neck of the bottle.

- Pull both ends of cord through the neck of the bottle. They should exit out the opening of the bottle.

- Use small rocks or pebbles to fill the neck of the bottle. The rocks hold the dirt in place.

- Place dirt in the bottle.

- Fill the reservoir of the bottle with water.
- Place the neck of the bottle in the reservoir. Make sure the two ends of the cord are in the water.

- Now you're ready to plant seeds or small herb plants in the recycled bottle planters.
- The cords in the water will keep your soil nice and moist. When the reservoir starts to be low on water it's time to fill the reservoir. After I plant my seeds or starter plants I will wet my soil for the first time. After this there is no need to water the plants. You'll only have to refill the planters when they run low on water.
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January 12, 20160 found this helpful
Great herb planter idea. Understandable instructions. Thanks.

January 12, 20160 found this helpful
Fantastic. Was looking for an inexpensive way to start some herbs in my home this winter.
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