Michawn Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 188 Feedbacks
June 13, 2007
After reading so many recipes on this site that are ladened with fats, I thought I would share one of my tips that I use to help our family use a little less of them.
Use cold butter for toast and such, cold butter melts slower and less oozes all over your toast. Warm butter melts quicker making you go back for more to finish buttering!
Grate all cheese with a "fine" grater, it looks like a lot "more", but is actually less when it comes down to weight. I've fooled my husband for years thinking he is getting a lot of cheese with the fine grater, I use it all the time for recipes from casseroles to tacos.
Use a few teaspoons or tablespoons of olive oil or Enova (a oil in the stores that is marketed to be less absorbed by the body) to saute food in. Use the Enova if you must for cooking (it's very light in flavor), but an equal amount of unsweetened applesauce will work just fine in most cake mixes, brownies, and such.
If you are one to buy pre-grated cheese, try this the next time to cut down on fat. Save the bag, buy one block of regular fat and one of lower (or if you can get a good melting non fat) fat cheese, grate them (when no one is looking so they don't say "This tastes funny", which is what my husband would say when he saw the bag, but not when he didn't, ha ha fooled him!) together and put back into the bag. Waa laa! Lower fat cheese and no one is the wiser!
This is a page about removing fat from ground beef. Removing the fat from ground beef will help cut the calories from fat and is good for your overall health.