We had a power outage for several days. Can I refreeze shredded cheese?
My family has just gone through hurricane Irma and we had power outages for several days. Most food that requires refrigeration it is usually best to throw it away.
I had a freezer full of food that made it through the power outage as I was fully prepared to save this food but almost all food in my refrigerator was thrown away.
I believe the health department advises to discard anything that has milk or milk byproducts. Some items that are pickled may still be safe but why take a chance.
I agree with other responders - throw all of it away and start new.
If that cheese was unrefrigerated, as I assume it was, the answer is no.
The only way it's ever safe is if the cheese still contains ice crystals or is at 40F or below, which I highly doubt in your case. Please throw out.
No, you cannot and still maintain the original consistency. The cheese is safe to consume, but would be best used in a casserole or sauce.