I have a blue Staffy puppy, thoroughbred, 5 champions in a row. She has Cushings and is the only puppy known in the UK to have this. She is on Vetoryl 60 mg daily costing a me a fortune! One of the side effects is the coat falls out.
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What does your veterinary surgeon suggest? He/she should be your first stop for tips on coping with the disease including the hair loss.
Have you thought about the machine-washable canine coats, jumpers and booties? I've never had a dog (or cat) with a hair loss problem but the short-hair (thus somewhat thin-coated) Boxers I've had all my life seemed to genuinely appreciate the 'foul-weather' kit I had for them. My last Boxer wouldn't go out with his mac and canine wellies, and he liked to stay under the brolly if rain or snow was falling! If you knit or crochet you could easily adapt a pattern to extend down the poor lassie's legs for added cosy.
Another thing to consider for keeping warm is a heated cushion.
Re the eye-watering cost of the medication, are you getting it through the surgery or from one of the online veterinary outlets? Prescriptions can be filled using MedicAnimal and you'd really be surprised at the savings. We no longer keep dogs but use MedicAnimal for our cat's flea treatment and save a considerable amount over what the surgery has to charge. The surgery had to verify the prescription and after that (only took 24 hours), the flea treatment was on the way via RM. It works the same for any prescription - MedicAnimal keeps the script on its database so the verification is a one time thing until expiry.
MedicAnimal isn't the only online veterinary pharmacy, it's just the one I have personal experience with. There are others and all can be easily found (and researched - always use a reliable online review site to check a site for service and product reliability - TrustPilot is the best in my opinion but there are other review sites too).
Best wishes to you and your beautiful dog!
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