
Removing Artificial Nails?

August 13, 2011

Artificial NailsI do not have acetone to remove a fake finger nail. Is there something else I can do? It hurts so badly!

By Keith H.



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
August 13, 20110 found this helpful

You can use nail polish remover containing acetone, you do have to let the fake nails soak in it for awhile. Nail polish remover isn't that high priced if you go to a discount store or grocery store. However, if it hurts you probably have an infection of some kind and should probably go to a doctor. I have had artificial nails many times for extended periods of time and never had any pain from them. I also removed them myself, by using acetone containing nail polish remover.

August 14, 20110 found this helpful

If you really can't buy a small bottle of (nail polish remover for under 2 bucks) then the next best thing is to use a nail file, and slowly and carefully keep filing the nail till it's as thin as paper, and then it will peel off easily. That's sort of the hard way to do it, but it will work. Nail polish remover makes the artificial nail gummy after you soak it awhile, and that works the fastest.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 172 Posts
August 15, 20110 found this helpful

Years ago I had the artificial nails because mine were so thin and broke so easily. Little did I know that when I tried to have them moved professionally that they would be so difficult to get off. After soaking for a long time, when they took them off, my own nails were bleeding under the nail.


It was extremely painful. Never again will I have artifcial nails. It is not the style now anyway to have them long.

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April 22, 2010

How do I take off fake nails?

By anissa from Indianapolis, IN


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
April 22, 20100 found this helpful

The way I used to do it when I had artificial nails was to soak them in the regular old fashioned nail polish remover, not the kind made to use on artificial nails. It takes a long time but it works.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
April 23, 20100 found this helpful

Yes, Acetone nail polish remover.

April 24, 20100 found this helpful

I've had artificial nails for years and this is what I was told to do by my tecnician. Go to a beauty supply store (like Sally's, etc.) and get their pure acetone (a gallon is about $10, but you can get smaller sizes). Pour some into a small glass bowl and set that bowl into one containing hot water (be sure the water is low enough to not enter the other bowl). (The acetone feels very cold and the hot water makes to more comfortable to have your nails in.)


Cover the bowls with a towel (Also make sure you put a towel underneath as the acetone can damage wood finishes, etc.) and slip your finger tips into the acetone. Do not remove them for, at least, 30 minutes. Then use a a flat instrument (You can also buy this at the same store) to scape off the dissolved acrylic. Continue soaking and scraping until removed. Then lightly file and or buff nails. Do not try to pop or clip them off. This is very hard on the nails and can hurt. As the soaking takes a while, I do it while I'm watching a favorite TV show.

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