
Removing Bleach Stains From Clothing

August 7, 2012

Bleach Stains on Red ShirtWe all know how Clorox spots ruin clothes, recently I splashed Clorox on my black top. I was going to throw it out, then I thought I would try something. I took a Sharpie pen (black or corresponding color) and carefully dabbed it over the Clorox splash. It worked. So now I will get more wear from my top.


By Irene M. from Williston, FL

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March 26, 2005

If you are trying to get bleach stain out of tan clothing you can use a tea bag to hide the stain. I discovered this trick when I used a bit of bleach to get rid of a stain on my favorite tan jacket.


64 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 25, 2015

bleach spot on denimThe stain got on my jean skirt. It's light, but I would like to fix it. It's a light jean skirt. Thank you.

By Julia


November 17, 20161 found this helpful
Best Answer

I use fabric marking pins to color the bleach spots hope this helps you .

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April 8, 2015

bleach damaged shirtI just wanted to ask if you can help me with my black and white shirt. I really don't know how to get it back to its color and I just made it worst by using Clorox on it. At first, my shirt was stained with another color on its white logo and I tried to get the white color back to white by using Clorox. I never expected to see that my whole black and white shirt was colorless.

Its color has faded and it is now a red/orange color, that came from the bucket I put it in with the Clorox. The black and white has completely gone from the shirt. I hope you can recommend to me a way to get the color back :). ASAP thank you.

By Allysa C.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
April 8, 20153 found this helpful
Best Answer

Bleach removes color on fabric. You have removed some of the color of your shirt with bleach so you cannot bring the color back. You can try to recolor your shirt with dye, however, the result will probably be a mottled or blotched color pattern all over the bleached areas. Appears the best plan is to purchase a new shirt.

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December 28, 2012

I have a dark blue polo sweater that I love and spilled bleach on it. Any suggestions on what I can do to save it and not throw it away?

By Kathryn


December 29, 20120 found this helpful

If the spots are not very large, you could try to find a marker which matches the sweater's color, and fill them in. If you use a permanent marker, you won't have to do it every time the sweater is washed. If the spots are in a place where some trim would look good, you could get smaller decorative patches or a large one and cover the spots.


These would be available at a fabric store. I have used marker to fill in bleach spots on pants, and it worked well. Hope this helps.


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December 29, 20120 found this helpful

Is the sweater cotton? then you can use a colored marker to match & color in the bleach spot(s) if they are not too big. On wool or acrylic use a permanent marker (black will do for small spots on navy.)

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April 25, 2011

How can I get a bleach stain off of my favorite sweat pants?

By siani


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
April 25, 20111 found this helpful

There isn't any way to get bleach stains out, you can try dying them, but in my experience that doesn't work real well, as you still have a lighter spot than the rest of the garment.

April 25, 20110 found this helpful

The spot isn't something to take out. The color has already been removed by the bleach. I've seen people try to spot dye the bleached area, but it's hard to match. If you're dead set on using this pair of sweatpants, you could try to cover the spot (with a patch/applique), or cut them off to make shorts (depending on where the bleach spot is).

April 25, 20110 found this helpful

redhatterb is right, nothing removes a bleach stain. Dying doesn't much work either because the stained spot will always be lighter than the rest of the fabric, so the dye won't take right. You can try matching acylic paint....water it down and lightly (with a rag) dab on the spot (put cardboard under or something so that you don't get any paint on unstained areas) removing any excess, let it dry throughly.


Or use fabric paint. This won't fix it that great either, but it does make it less noticeable. The good news is this is just a pair of sweat pants and not an expensive coat. If you try the dabbed paint method, I'd advise you to handwash (or wash alone) the pants after that. A painted flower with fabric paint or as redhatterb said, the applique or patch is your next best choice.


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April 26, 20110 found this helpful

If it's really distressing to you then make the most of a bad situation and reverse tie dye them with the bleach you probably still have on hand. (I can't believe I am suggesting this because I hate bleach with a passion because it's bad for all living beings and the environment in general!)


Do an internet search for "reverse tie dyeing with bleach" and read a few different link intructions before attempting and be careful! And in the future start using non-chlorine bleach or 3% hydrogen peroxide or distilled vinegar for whatever reason you used chlorine bleach that caused this problem in the first place, okay?


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April 27, 20110 found this helpful

As others have said, there is no way to fix this as the bleach spot is not a "stainj", but a place where the dye has been removed from the fabric.

If these are black or navy or something like that, and the spot is not too large, you might disguise it with permanent jiffy marker. Less trouble than acrylic or fabric paint. Might work; depends on where the spot is and the color of the pants.

April 27, 20110 found this helpful

Cover with a fabric stick-on patch or fabric paints to make a nice looking image, the bleach spot can't be dyed successfully in any manner! Use vinegar to brighten fabrics, not bleach. Good luck!

November 26, 20150 found this helpful

I have the same problem w/ my favorite gray sweatpants but i can't cut it off bc its at my butt cheek. there was bleach on the counter & i didn't know & i sat on it & now there is a rather big bleach line across my butt.

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February 22, 2005

I am going to France soon and my dad bought me a lovely Animal top baby blue with fauz fur inside it and i have got a bleach stain on it and he is quite upset because it was 80 pounds. How do i get this out and is it possible? Please help,

nis smith


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 139 Feedbacks
February 22, 20052 found this helpful

Hi Nis! Since bleach removes color, you won't be able to get it'll need to put color back in. How big is the stain? If it's quite small, perhaps you can use a fabric pen with a color close to the baby blue. I did that when I got a small bleach spot on a red cotton blouse...I used a red fabric sure to test to see if color is close.


God bless...hope you come up with a solution. The people on this message board are great and hopefully someone will be able to help. Enjoy your trip to France....remind your Dad that it's just a clothing item....his daughter is quite healthy :):)

February 22, 20050 found this helpful

My first thought is fabric pen. If that doesn't work, is it something that you may be able to incorporate embroidery or maybe a few embroidered patches, (maybe a grouping of leaves w/ embroidered vines.) Something that goes with the animal print theme. Not just one but a few so it's not conspicuous that you are trying to hide something? Hope you find something that works.

By PnA in Canada (Guest Post)
October 8, 20050 found this helpful

My husband's white shirt with red sleeves was affected by a red rug that accidentally got thrown in with the whites. How can we get the pink out of the white part of the shirt without affecting the red sleeves?

By Annie (Guest Post)
September 22, 20060 found this helpful

I have a white Polester/cotten blend. I was getting the stain out and I used Oxy Clean and then Clorox Bleach pen. The bleach pen left a yellow stain. How doI get rid of the yellow bleach stain?

By tes (Guest Post)
January 7, 20071 found this helpful

i didn't know what i was doing and i was using bleach to clean my black converse and they got this weird red/orange spot on them what should i do i need to get be the next 2 hours

Editor's Note: You removed the color from your shoes. Your best bet is to color over the spot with a black marking pen or use some liquid black die and paint over it. Bleach permanently removes the color. Make sure your rinse the bleach out asap or it will continue removing color and make the fabric much weaker.

By jess (Guest Post)
June 2, 20070 found this helpful

i need help. i got bleach on my boyfriend's blue work shirt and now it has spots of a brownish orange color. i need to get it fixed before he gets home. can you please help me?

By sudha (Guest Post)
October 9, 20080 found this helpful

Hey luvyabye, thanks for your fabric pen idea! My husband's new navy blue pant was getting the bleach stain. Should I paint it using the fabric dark blue pen? Does it remove the stain?

By better off left unknown (Guest Post)
December 12, 20080 found this helpful

That's what happened to my navy dark blue shirt. I'm trying to figure out how to remove it. It has that orange-brownish color in it.

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February 18, 2011

How can I get the color back into my jeans after getting a splash of bleach on them?

By brittany from Atlanta, GA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
February 18, 20110 found this helpful

I don't think you will get rid of it completely. Even if you dye the jeans there will still be a spot that is a lighter color than the rest of the jeans. Permanent marker will temporarily cover the spot, but my experience has been that the marker doesn't go all the way through the spot and therefore washes out in the laundry.

February 19, 20111 found this helpful

I am afraid the color has been removed, so it's gone for good. As RedHatterB said, you could try dyeing them, or coloring; but the spot will still be obvious. I think I would be inclined to take them outside, put a diluted mixture of bleach and water in a spray bottle, and carefuly spray them until I had a variety of bleached areas, then (after washing), overdye them with a different color, (or even blue) to make it all look deliberate!

If you do spray a bleach solution, watch out for splashing, and don't spray them anywhere where drips or overspray would harm anything.


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February 19, 20110 found this helpful

Why don't you tie dye the pair of jeans?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 126 Feedbacks
February 22, 20110 found this helpful

Maybe you could find a "Patch" with flowers, design, or a pet you like and sew it over the bleached spot. Of course it depends on where the bleached spot is on the pants.

February 23, 20110 found this helpful

Use indelible magic markers. Had a rug in an apartment that got bleach spot" sprinkles". I used Artex fabric paints and did not ever see the spots again.

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March 18, 2017

I have a striped lounge dress; the color is white and navy blue. How do I remove a bleach stain from the navy blue part? I tied vinegar, rubbing alcohol, peroxide, and salt, but the stain is still there.

Are there navy markers I can buy that might work? Any other hints?

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July 21, 2015

How do I get brown bleach stains out of white jeans?


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
July 21, 20150 found this helpful

Bleach chemically removes the color or dye from fabric. Once done, there is no way to return the color except to redye the fabric. However, it is very difficult to match the old dye color so the fabric, even if dyed again, will show the bleached area as a different color.


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July 23, 20150 found this helpful

Are you sure those are bleach marks? I have never had bleach make marks on white things. However, whatever it is, you may have good luck by wetting the stain and the surrounding area and letting the sun shine on it. Sunlight will sometimes take out stains on white items, in the same way that sunlight will fade the colour out of coloured items.

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April 6, 2015

I splashed bleach accidentally on my grey Nike tracksuit bottoms. Any solutions to my problem?

By Gerry from London, Surrey Quays


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
April 7, 20150 found this helpful

Bleach is very unforgiving-the spots are not only lost color but possible changes in the fabric as well. You can try to dye the pants but the result may not be the same color, likely lighter in the bleach spots.

April 8, 20150 found this helpful

Place waxed paper wrapped cardboard between the layers of fabric, taping the fabric tight around the cardboard with masking tape, making sure the bleach spot(s) are centered on top. Take fabric markers, I suggest white and black. Put the white on first then add black until you get as close a color match as possible. Allow to dry overnight. Hope this helps

April 8, 20151 found this helpful

This exact thing has happened to me. I had a terry cloth short set some years back and was devastated some bleach I was cleaning with splashed on the shorts. Looked horrible. While in dept. store in sewing section, I had a brainstorm. Butterfly appliques caught my eye. I bought the package of different sizes and sewed them on the bleach spots. Now, it looks like they should have been there all along. Good luck!

April 8, 20151 found this helpful

Best luck I have had was to use Sharpie marker in a matching color. I had a par of black khakis I got from the thrift store to wear to work, and didn't realize there were bleach spots. I used a black sharpie, filling in the spots with a series of dots instead of trying to color it. Seemed to make the edges of the stain blend a little better. I still have the sharpie in case the spot fades again but so far it hasn't even after washing. The problem with bleach spots is they change the fabric's ability to hold the dye pigment, and that effect is permanent, so the spot will always look different from the rest of the garment if you dye it.

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February 5, 2011

I have a new pair of Wrangler jeans, on which I have spilt bleach. It has left a small white patch. Can you suggest anything to save my jeans?

By philmcculloch from Jersey Channel Islands


February 5, 20110 found this helpful

This may sound silly but try a felt marker pen and colour the patch back in. The bleach has lifted the dye so the only way to get the colour back is put some more colour on!

February 7, 20110 found this helpful

Get you some old fashioned laundry bluing. it works. My mother used to used a blue crayon to much covered the area with the crayon and then ironed with a warm iron. Cover it with a thin cloth first to keep extra off your iron.


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February 7, 20110 found this helpful

I use a colored sharpie pen that is as close to the color of the fabric as possible. In many cases it's still noticable but not as noticable as the bleach mark :-) When I have a white fabric that gets a dark spot I use liquid white-out for paper.


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February 8, 20111 found this helpful

Bleach the entire jeans and wash well, then use Rit denim fabric dye to redye then.

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December 9, 2014

I tried cleaning some shoes of mine (pink and cotton) and I accidentally used bleach and it made a stain, a really big stain. What should I do?

By Janessa R.


December 9, 20140 found this helpful

Bleach doesn't come out, really...maybe try bleaching the whole thing and then dying it?

December 10, 20140 found this helpful

You could draw a design with fabric paint, apply an applique, or maybe some put studs or press on gems.


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December 13, 20140 found this helpful

Bleach does not make a stain; it removes the colour. You could try fabric paint, or even perhaps, jiffy marker.

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October 13, 2012

My house cleaner dripped some diluted bleach on to my navy cotton skirt and now it has orange marks on it. Any ideas on how to get rid of them? dye? texta pen?

By Sandra


October 14, 20120 found this helpful

Try using a magic marker in a similar color to cover the spots.

October 15, 20120 found this helpful

I don't know if this will work for you or not, but I once spilled bleach on my black floor rug in my car on the way to do laundry. I took a black permanent marker and "colored" the orange spots. It covered very well. On a navy skirt I don't know if the colors would match close enough. If you get to the point that you are about to give up, you could try this method and see. Best of luck.

October 17, 20120 found this helpful

Considering that your skirt is already "ruined" by the bleach, I dont think it would hurt to try to re-dye the entire skirt. I would use Rit brand dye, which can be found in the laundry isle at walmart or in any craft store. I do know that Sharpie Marker has faded over time on things we have at home, such as shirts signed by friends from camp. I hope you find a solution!

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