Candle wax dripped onto my new jeans. How do I remove it?
Michelle from Fergus, ON
Removing Candle Wax From Clothing
I do a bit of all of the above, and then a bit more for really stubborn wax or oil stains.
First, I freeze it and pick off as much as I can (this bit is only for wax and chewing gum).
Second, I place brown paper on either side of the stain and iron one temperature higher than the garment can take, through the paper of course, until the stain is either gone, or as gone as it is going to get with that method.
Third, I squirt a small amount of dish washing liquid on the stain and rub it in, then pop the garment in the washing machine for a normal wash.
I have never had to throw a garment away because of wax, oil, or chewing gum stains using these methods. (07/16/2007)
By Sue