
Removing Hair Spray from Furniture

September 12, 2016

How do I clean a fake leather sofa with hair spray on it?



November 8, 20169 found this helpful

I am a hairdresser at a nursing home and my black leather chair in the shop is full of hairspray buildup Can u please tell me what to use in order to clean this sticky hairspray off this chair. Thank you. Rosemarie Colonero

November 10, 20162 found this helpful

how do i clean hair spray off of fake leather

November 11, 20164 found this helpful

how do you remove hair spray off a leather sofa

June 23, 20171 found this helpful

Use hot water hotter the better wear rubber gloves and a scrubber . It melts the hairspray and makes it look like glue. Hard work but worth it

July 1, 20170 found this helpful

I use The Salon Chair Guys Saon Chair Cleaner. It's available on Amazon.

April 29, 20181 found this helpful

My Moms leather chair had thick hairspray buildup on it where she has rested her head as well as taken a nap since shes had it. I tried to clean it with just cleaner but it just turned kinda white & really sticky. I had heard about vinegar & olive oil so I gave it a try with 1 part olive oil & 3 parts vinegar. I put some gloves on(like medical latex gloves) & used a washcloth to let the solution soak into it. The acid in the vinegar breaks up the hairspray I guess because it started coming loose and I could peel off the thickest parts then I scraped it with my nails & the cloth.


It looks gross coming off but now her chair looks new again. Afterwards I washed off the area with some mild soapy water to get rid of the vinegar smell, then wiped it down with a little bit of olive oil on a paper towel to condition the leather. Looks so nice again & shines.

May 21, 20180 found this helpful

For getting hairspray off furniture as well as countertops and makeup bottles use makeup removers nothing expensive but it seems to work for me.

June 3, 20180 found this helpful

How to remove hair spray from leather chair?

February 18, 20210 found this helpful

I found Wax and Grease Remover was excellent.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

December 6, 2011

I have sofa chair with hairspray on a big area of where your head lays. Somebody has tried to removed it, but it turned white like and kind of soaked in hard. Any suggestions of what I can used to get it off.

By Morgan W.


December 7, 20110 found this helpful

Sponge with rubbing alcohol.

June 9, 20162 found this helpful

use shampoo straight from the bottle, let sit for awhile, rinse with damp cloth . yea all gone

October 9, 20160 found this helpful

I have a faux leather chair with soaked in hairspray which has hardened. How do you remove it?

October 22, 20160 found this helpful

A lot of work involved..It got some off but that's all

January 13, 20190 found this helpful

I first tried using alcohol, but it seemed like the hairspray was even stiffer. I then used dawn diluted in water( making it sudsy). These methods didn't budge the stiff, stickiness.


BUT, when I used full strength shampoo, it began to come off!! I used my fingernail to "scrape" off the hairspray. I dabbed it with water, using a white cloth. IT WORKED!!

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May 13, 2019

I have a ghost chair at my dressing table, but this now has a build up of hairspray making it dull. How can I remove this?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 13, 20190 found this helpful

Try a Magic Eraser on an inconspicuous spot first.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
May 13, 20190 found this helpful

Is your chair made of polycarbonate?

If so, the manufacturer does not recommend any products but luke warm water and a few drops of a mild detergent like regular Dawn, Woolite, or Dreft. Just a few drops on a white cotton cloth, and rinse well. Be sure to test it somewhere like the foot just to make sure it does not scratch.


These chairs are sturdy and delicate at the same time!

Hope this helps! It will probably take gentle elbow grease to get the hair spray to come off.

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April 22, 2015

I have a hairspray stain on my leather couch right where my head lays. How can I remove it?

By Shirley B


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 22, 20170 found this helpful

Try a leather cleaner like Guardsman

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September 23, 2010

I have hairspray build up on a nice wood sofa table. It has been there quite awhile and just today I figured out it had to be hairspray as that is the area I go to get my husband to spray my hair.


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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

September 23, 2010

How do you remove hairspray residue from an oak stand?


June 18, 2009

I am having trouble with getting hair spray off my daughter's dresser. I don't have a clue to what to clean it with.It's on the mirror as well.


December 2, 2009

Anyone know of a way to get hairspray off of wood dressers?


October 5, 2009

I recently got quite a bit of hair spray and a tiny bit of nail polish on my brown, leather sofa and my lamp, which is metal (don't know what kind, it's the base of the lamp) with a dull-brass shade.

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