This is a tip for removing ink from a white or cream colored leather sofa.
Materials Needed:
- Professional Strength Goof Off solution (It is actually called Goof Off and it must say professional strength. You can buy this at Home Depot, Lowe's, or any hardware store.)
- Q-tip cotton swabs
- a moistened (with just cold water) wash cloth or rag
- leather protectant spray to use after you treat the stained area so to keep the leather shiny and well protected for the future.
- dry cloth
Important: try using a small, less noticeable area of your leather sofa to treat for ink stain, and see how it works on your leather sofa before treating the whole sofa. You may notice a lightening of the fabric area if you rub too hard against the sofa with the Q-tip that contains the solution, or if you use large quantities of the Goof Off liquid. Apply only a small amount of the liquid onto the Q-tip first to see how the leather sofa responds to the liquid.
- Take a Q-tip cotton swab and apply Goof Off liquid to it.
- Rub the Q-tip over the ink stain as though you were using a pencil eraser to erase words from paper. The idea is to use small back and forth motion as well as small circular motion while rubbing out the stain.
- Once the ink stain is removed, use a wet wash cloth, that is moistened with just cold water, to go over the treated area of the leather. This is very important to do because you do no want to leave the Goof Off solution on your material once it has done its job, or else you could discolor the leather.
- Take a dry cloth and go over the area with a leather protectant spray to help keep your leather sofa and shiny and protected against future stains.
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December 26, 20170 found this helpful
I try it but the crayons is not coming out.
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