
Removing Mothball Smell from Popup Camper?

Pop-up Camper
Many owners will use mothballs to repel mice when the camper is closed and unused for a period of time. While this may work it will leave a strong odor lingering in the popup camper when you are ready to use it. This is a page about removing mothball smell from a popup camper.

2 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 6, 2018

I purchased a camper that had been stored for a couple years with mothballs in it. I can't get the mothball smell out of it. I have tried everything.

Please help. Thank you.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
June 6, 20180 found this helpful

Try a product called Nok-Out. It is supposed to work very well. You can get it on Amazon.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 6, 20180 found this helpful

Oh mothballs...they instantly take me back to my nana's closet. ICK! The only way we got rid of that smell when trying to sell her place was to put activated charcoal pellets in the closet and let it sit for a few weeks. You may be to change the pellets out periodically...this was a long time ago and my memory is a little hazy on the fine details.


Also, if I remember correctly, we wiped down the walls with a baking soda and vinegar combo...but they were painted walls...not sure what the camper walls are made out of.

You should be able to get the pellets at a pet store or maybe even a WalMart or Target if a larger store. Amazon has them as do a bunch of other on line sites. Read the package to see how much you need for the size of your space. The closet didn't need much but it was small (probably 8 ft tall, and 3 ft by 3 ft.)

Keep the pellets away from small children and pets!

Hope this helps!


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
June 7, 20180 found this helpful

Charcoal and lots of ventilation!!!

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July 12, 2013

Popup camper.We just purchased a pop-up camper a week ago. As the lady had it stored outdoors and hadn't used it in a few years, she put 4 boxes of moth balls in there to keep rodents out. OK, I agree that would be smart, but now we have it home and put up and removed all the boxes and the smell is so overwhelming that if I sit in there 5 min my throat starts to hurt and eyes start burning. I can't take it, plus I worry about my 2 younger kids being in there.

I did put a couple bowls of vinegar in there with all the sides opened to get air ventilation. Please give me any ideas for how to get the smell out before we go camping in a few weeks.


By Carrie


June 8, 20180 found this helpful

Believe it or not febreeze unsented has a molecule in their formula that neutralizes odors, even skunk. I swear I am not a affiliated, Ive just read the science in the products development. You dont need the scented kind (I hate perfumed deodorants).

I would start by washing the canvases and wipe all surfaces with vinegar/water/baking soda solution. That will remove any dirt and dust that is holding the scent. Next hose down the canvas with febreeze. Remove all fabrics and wash them until they dont smell. The sleeping pads will need the same treatment at the canvas ring it out and rinse in hot water and febreeze. Sun dry everything, put a de humidifier inside if you have one.


The surfaces will release stored odors periodically. You will need to treat the plastics and wood a few times as the gas off. I would drench the hard surfaces before each trip, and leave baking soda sprinkled on floors and in cabinets when its stored.

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