Use "Goo-Gone" to remove stubborn permanent marker from fabrics! I was amazed how well
this product worked. Just dab on, let sit for a minute or two and dab off. The stains
were completely gone! I wrote to them thanking them for saving my rocker set and they
sent me a complimentary gift! It works great on all sticky surfaces and floors, too
(scuffs, etc.)
By Shannon
Goo Gone does not remove permanent Sharpie. (11/10/2005)
I read somewhere that milk will take off permanent marker on skin, but that didn't work
that well for me. I also read to use bleach. That did the trick. It didn't take long at
all. I had it all over my hands so I just poured a small amount of bleach in my hands
and rubbed them until the marker disappeared. But of course you need to wash with soap
and water afterwards, and the bleach smell does linger for awhile, but it's better than
having marker all over you. I think if you dip a cloth in bleach and rub over the area
that should do the trick also. Just be careful to not get it on your clothes or it may
ruin them.
Good luck. (07/04/2006)
My granddaughter got permanent marker all over her hands when tracing them and doing
some drawings. After trying numerous things, we discovered that Dawn dishwashing liquid works
great and in a matter of seconds. What a find! (08/21/2006)
By CC Carol
I used lemon juice straight from a lemon, no stains! (09/10/2006)
By Beach
My son drew with a Sharpie on our LCD computer screen. I tried some of the remedies
suggested and none worked until I grabbed for the Windex. Sprayed a little on a cloth
and voila, it was gone. (10/08/2006)
By Dana
My son wrote using a BIC permanent marker (much like a Sharpie). He wrote on a 50 year
old, wood children's chair, a 10 year old rocking chair, the closet doors, and his
white, laminate shelfs. The Goo-Gone didn't touch it, the Off didn't work. Alcohol
removed some of it. My husband used Stain Stick and a wet rag, which worked pretty well.
I went to get the Mr. Clean eraser and that removed the rest of it. (11/18/2006)
By Kim
Alright I have this skateboard and all my friends ruined it with this silver Sharpie.
Nail polish remover doesn't work on the silver. It sounds weird, but oven cleaner got it
off. (02/06/2007)
By Lucy
Goo-gone is a good stain remover, but for Sharpie permanent marker remover for all non-
fabric items, a "tried and proven" way for complete removal is: WD-40! (03/20/2007)
By Laura
My son got red Sharpie permanent marker on our camel colored microfiber duvet cover. I
tried Shout first and it didn't touch it. I then tried Zout and the red stains
immediately began to break up and with some rubbing practically disappeared. I then ran
the duvet cover through a regular wash cycle and it came out completely clean.
My son drew all over everything with a silver Sharpie marker this morning. we're talking
TV, our new laptop computer, desk, V Smile, wall, himself, rocker and ottoman, and a
picture. We tried everything we had on hand. The best thing we found that worked on all
of it, was the Mr Clean Magic Eraser. Unbelievable how well it worked! (06/03/2007)
My 3 yr old just wrote on a wall with a Sharpie. I tried Goo Gone, but it didn't do
anything. So I went on the internet and came to this site and saw someone say to try hand
sanitizer for removing Sharpie marker. I didn't have any, but all that is in it is
alcohol. So I grabbed some rubbing alcohol and it came right off. No stain and it didn't
even take off the paint! Try it and I promise you it will work! (08/31/2007)
By corvette4pops
Goo-gone worked perfectly removing red permanent Sharpie from a white shirt. Thank you!
By Hinnie
I just used Charmin Freshmates, adult flushable wipes (I use them to take makeup off)
anyway, my son got black permanent marker on the suede sofa and I got it off! I was so
mad when it happened, and I searched before I tried to clean it. I gently wiped the mark
over and over, (not constantly using the same spot on the wipe). Whew! (07/11/2008)
By Jen
My 2 year old put two long Sharpie marks on our brand new sofa. Our "fabric protection"
wouldn't cover sharpie marks. After reading this, I tried baby wipes and toothpaste and
they both seemed to help the stain. It's not completely gone yet, but it's a huge
improvement. (10/31/2008)
By Laura
We just Googled this website because one of my co workers just wrote on a whiteboard
with a black Sharpie. Another co worker wrote over the top of it with the dry erase
marker and erased it with the eraser and it worked! This is no bull. We were about to
try the Goo Gone or Magic Eraser, but didn't need to.
By Angela
I used polish remover and a cotton ball to remove black permanent marker from a satin
multi-colored comforter. It work like a charm. I just blotted gently until it vanished.
My son is so lucky. (12/22/2008)
By Rebekha
Careful that Goo Gone is oily and may leave an oil stain on the fabric. Then try
detergent to remove the Goo Gone. (02/13/2009)
By Rebekha
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