My husband works in home construction and when they start staining woodwork his clothes smell terrible! The odor is so strong and it doesn't matter how much I wash them it doesn't budge. I don't know if anything will help since it's oil based stain, but we can't keep buying new clothes just for a dirty construction job. Please help.
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Polyurethane odor may not come out of some fabrics ever. I would suggest you buy painters coveralls for your husband to wear when he has this type of job to do and find a place to hang (outside/shed) until he needs them again or buy disposable clothing.
Here is something you can try:
Take a bucket of water mixed with ½ cup of vinegar and ½ cup of baking soda (or more). A mixture of baking soda and vinegar creates a foaming action that may cut/lift stains and smells. Rinse the clothes in clean water, then hang it outside to dry. Then wash as usual might work.
your husband should be wearing something disposable over his clothes while he works-look at medical supply stores
A vinegar rinse is good for removing odors.
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