
Removing Silly Putty from Carpet

March 25, 2012

red putty eggHow do I remove Silly Putty on the carpet?

By Hazelle



June 17, 20132 found this helpful

I can't speak to "old, dried out" silly putty, but if fresh...
I was about to try some of the more extreme solutions about the web using alcohol, WD-40, Goo Gone, etc. when something occurred to me: silly putty is sticky unto itself!

I grabbed a fair glob of my kid's silly putty and started to work it into a warm and very malleable ball. I then stuck it into the couch fabric it was pressed into. As I doubbed the glob of silly putty onto the smaller clumps - it started to come up!
I then tried it on the carpet where there was a big glob I had ground in further by trying to remove by hand - same excellent results!

No stains, no chemicals! Just a little bit of time & effort daubing it out! The silly putty picked up a bunch of fabric lint but who cares? (it didn't seem to hurt it anyway! Lol)

June 26, 20160 found this helpful

I just used goo gone gel spray on green putty stuck on bur bur carpet it got 95% out. Hoping some of the other advice on here like dawn dish soap wd40 works to get the rest out

April 29, 20170 found this helpful

A LOT of Goo-Gone and scrubbing with a towel and water.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 26, 2010

My grandson left Silly Putty on his carpet and in the heat of summer it melted into the carpet.

By jackie posadas from Plainville, CT

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

August 26, 2010

You can clean Silly Putty off of a shag carpet, by scrubbing it with denatured alcohol. Then use orange cleaner then it's totally gone!


September 29, 2009

I just discovered that my son left silly putty on the carpet in his room and it melted into the carpet during the warm of the day. Help!

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