Thanks! The toothpaste on the mirror worked great to remove spatter from cleaning agents off my mirror. I tried using vinegar, glass cleaner, and Clorox wipes to remove the spots but neither worked. Rubbed Colgate toothpaste in the spots with my fingers and "Presto", the spots are gone. I wiped off with damp paper towel. I'm glad I don't have to replace the mirror!
Source: Post by another reader.
By Lauri from Aurora, IL
ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.
How do you clean a bathroom mirror that was mistakenly sprayed with cleaning solution.
I have used a cleaner, or something on my mirror in the bathroom that has cause a stain that won't go away. It is not a water stain. It is from a cleanser.