Since being dry cleaned about a year ago my favorite woolen cardigan now has a sort of sweat/hair stain on the back collar which wasn't noticeable before.
Any advice please how I could get this out?
You need to mix equal parts of alcohol and white vinegar in a small bowl. Dip in and soak a lint free cloth in the solution. Now lightly dab the stained area on your sweater. Afterwards, you'll need to press gently with an absorbent cloth to remove the excess solution.
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
How do I remove ingrained black cuff stains from my favourite peach jumper/sweater please?
By Margaret
A product called Totally Awesome is absolutely the best thing I have found to clean anything. If it wont remove it, nothing will.
My son got blue ink on his green woollen school jumper. How can I get it out?
Thanks in advance and I would like to say I love this site it's always gotten me out of silly accidents
You can remove an ink stain if you work quickly.
Step 1
Test cleaning fluid in an Inconspicuous spot
Step 2
Use a cotton ball to apply the fluid
Step 3
Blot up with a clean white cloth
Step 4
Rinse and dry
Could you please advise me on how to remove a pumpkin soup stain on my new woolen jumper. I have washed it in warm water with Woolwash then in laundry powder, but no good.
Thank you.
I've got a pullover with a bolognese sauce stain. I already tried to use a stain-remover, but it's not working. What can I do?
Thank you!
Try soaking it overnight in Oxyclean with the hottest water the garment can tolerate. Keep it there overnight. Then dump it all in the washer and launder as usual.
Editor's Note: Wool requires delicate handling. Hot water is definitely not recommended as it will cause the wool to shrink.
Hot water does not cause wool to shrink, however agitation does. Most good wool that is not specifically "machine washable" can be gently dropped into a top loading tub of very hot water. Let it sit until the water is cool, then run the spin. The spin doesn't agitate. After it's spun, remove the wool and refill the tub with cool water....don't put the wool back in until the tub is full as the action of the water dropping on the wool can sometimes be enough to cause shrinkage.
I washed my white merino wool jumper and laid it carefully on a rack in the sun to dry. I now have a jumper with a white front and a yellow back. Can you help me?
Try 2 tabs of denture cleaner in a sink full of lukewarm water. Leave overnight.
I have 2 questions regarding Norweigan wool ski sweaters with stains. Both are very expensive sweaters with lots of colors. Both are hand washable. The first one I got cheap because it has a white background that has yellowed in one patch while sitting on the shelf in a store. (I thought sunlight faded things, but the grey pattern over the white is not effected.) There's also bright red wool on this sweater.
There is a product at my local Wilco store that is called Sublime. This stuff is wonderfull. It removes hard water stains, grease and food stains to just name a few. This does cost about $12.00 a gallon, but one gallon will last about a year.
Maybe you can try the Clorox Bleach Pen. It is like 3 bucks at WalMart and other stores. You just dab it on gently and then rinse well, being careful not to let the bleach-y water get on the rest of the garment. I have had a lot of luck with this stuff on stains on white portions of colored garments.
Also--another tip that may help you---sometimes I make a paste of Snowy Bleach and "paint" that on the discolored part, let it sit and rinse out well, then wash garment as usual.
I would not use any bleach on might break down the fibers..have you tried an oxy cleaner? .. just don't get the water too warm.
A guest speaker, Peach, responded Snowy Bleach could be found at Walmart, and a couple of other discount stores for $3. Has anyone actually found this product? I think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread but can not find it anywhere except the Vermont Country Store and they are quite expensive. I live between Winchester, VA and Cumberland, Md. Some times areas of the country make a difference what can and can't be obtained. Thanks all!
I washed an ecru sweater with dishwasher liquid thinking it would be easier on the fabric..instead it left white patches on the ecru. The detergent did not have chlorine in it (it was Ajax) so I dont know why it did that. What can I do now to make patches blend in? Should I bleach the whole sweater or do I risk getting only more white patches?
Or should I dye the sweater black?
I bought a new sweater, ivory colored, that's 50/50 merino wool and nylon. I put it in a garment bag and used the hand wash cycle on my washer. I also tossed a couple of other light-colored items in the wash as well, but one had dark stripes on it.
The dye from that shirt transferred to my wool sweater, and now it has bluish spots all over it. What's the best way to remove the stains?I have a Merino wool sweater. When I was washing dishes in my copper sink, the sink left a green stain on the bottom of the sweater. The sweater is machine washable, but the stain did not come out. Any suggestions?
By Colleen S.
I was wearing red suede gloves and a white wool dress one day. It started raining, the gloves got wet and leaked all over the dress. Is there a way to remove these stains?
By Alla
A dry cleaning facility may be able to remove the dye.
How do I remove a whiteout stain from dark colour wool jumper?
By pietruszko
How do I remove craft acrylic paint from a wool coat?
By Natalie
Try rubbing alcohol. Ammonia might work on anything but wool, it will disintegrate it.
Hello Natalie,
I had great succes with dried on paint on the carpet by spraying with hair laquer leaving to "rest" and then rubbing off with a clean damp cloth. I hope that this is of use to you.
I have a great off-white wool winter coat. Unfortunately, last winter I wore this on a very windy and cold day. The dirty slush was thrown around my ankles and therefore all over the bottom of my coat.
By carla from Huntington, WV
I suggest to let the cleaners clean it, good luck.
Try saturating a place on the back (or some place that's not very noticeable) with lukewarm water. Make sure it's truly wet, as water sometimes tends to run off wool. Then squeeze the spot with white paper towels until the spot is gone. This worked perfectly on a wool jacket I have. The jacket dried with no water lines at all.
Your coat may be tougher because you have more stains and it's off-white, but if it works on the first spot you can keep going.
I used a kitchen funnel, which worked very well, to put water on the stains. Good luck!
How can I remove old food stains from a favorite wool sweater? The stains are front and center.
JC from Charleston, SC
Have you thought of stamping chunky stamps (with acrylic paints - probably with textile medium; or use fabric paints) over the stains.
It is very difficult to understand. The first thing is to understand whether it is a starchy or oily stain or just food colouring.
The next thing is to come up with the right solvent.
dissolve protein...lipases dissolve lipids (fats and oils) and amylases
dissolve starch. most pen marks are removed by alcohol. Most paints are removed by kerosene or baby oils.
you may also search the internet for the trade names of solvents containing the choice from above.
The problem today is that most people try to advertise products "buy this" and "buy that" without explaining the science behind it.
Whatever you do, DO NOT IRON or apply heat to the affected spot before finding a solution. Heat makes some stains permanent.
Sometimes, the stains get in to the fibres and remain permanet and there is no way to remove. But you could still try and camoflague it by means of embroidery or a bead work over it. ;) wish you luck.
How do I remove a 2 day old kimchi stain on ivory virgin wool without ruining it? Help.
On my woolen clothing there are some stains that transferred from other clothes. How can I remove them?
By Sonia from Moga
I have a beautiful, fine christening shawl hand knitted in a lacy pattern in 2 ply wool some 40 years ago by my mother. Unfortuntely somehow it was stored away without anyone noticing the chocolate. It looks as it if it may have been liquid dark chocolate. We have our first grandchild due shortly and we would love to be able to use it. What would be the best way to try and remove the chocolate? Any advice would be much appreciated.
By Brenda W from Staffordshire, UK
How do I remove white perspiration marks on a dark blue fine wool jumper?
By Ann H from Doncaster S Yorks
You can type your question online with Google and other search sites to receive many answers.
How do you remove lite yellow paint from a red wool coat that's dry clean only?
By Deb
How do you remove stains from baby knitting wool?
By Desley from Christchurch
What is the stain? First try white vinegar and blotting. Rinse in cool water and let dry. Next, if it covers larger area, soak in Dawn and cool water overnight, rinse in cool water in morning. If all else fails you can bleach wool with regular peroxide. Put one 8 oz bottle in about 1-2 quarts water, put in well rinsed wool, slowly bring to just below simmer, stir softly to make sure all wool is wet. Keep heat low. No more than 15 minutes, tops, remove and rinse after it's cooled some in water that feels the same as the wool does, whatever that is. Rinse again, blot on towel.
If all that fails, consider dying it. read up on how to dye with food coloring or koolaid.
How do I remove chocolate stains from woolen clothes?
By Ray
Try this very handy alphabetical list of stains set up A-Z as hyper links. I've never had a fail using these tips:
How do you get red fingernail polish out of a grey wool coat?
By cindy
How to remove color stain of the yellow detergent from my wool scarf? I dropped some "Trix" Lemon Dish washing liquid to remove many small oil stains on my wool scarf, then found the detergent left big yellow marks on my light pink wool scarf.
Bring it to a professional cleaner -- I'm sure they'll be able to make it look like new again.
How do I remove grease from a wool scarf?
By Agnes from Bensalem, PA
A bowl of chili loaded with sour cream was dropped in my lap. Any suggestions for removing chili and sour cream from wool pants that say "dry clean only"?
By Jack P
How do I remove an oil based paint stain from a wool dress?
By Mary from Northern Ireland
I have stains in a wool sweater all around the leather elbow patches. The leather has stained the wool. How can I remove them?
Barb from CA