I could use some advice for removing wallpaper.
By waitress from Brick, NJ
I had to remove a wallpaper border once. You can go to the hardware store and buy a "special" scoring device to cut into the wallpaper or just use an Exacto knife (just be sure not to gouge into the wall). Mix 30% vinegar and 70% water in a spray bottle and spray on scored wallpaper. Let soak a while and scrape off. (03/09/2010)
By JeanieB
I've only recently found out about the scoring tool, but it looks like a great invention. I have always started at a seam and using a sponge wetted with warm water and really soaked the paper. I have always used a plastic knife to get in-between the paper and the wall, as I think it's safer for the wall and me! When there's residue left on the wall, re-wet the area and gently scrape it with the knife. Good luck. It's not as daunting as it seems. (03/09/2010)
If it is the wallpaper that you wet and apply, then you can pull off the top layer and there should be a second layer.
Fill a spray bottle with warm water and spray this layer, really soak it. Do a large area and by the time you have wet the area, the first part will be ready to remove. Just use a plastic scraper (I use a pancake flipper) and it will peel right off. Then get a pail of water with TSP to remove the gluey film. It the wallpaper was put up with paste, you will need to get some wallpaper remover. (03/12/2010)
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