I have some wallpaper borders to remove from walls and when i try to just peel it off it leaves a lot of paper residue. Anyone know how to remove this without taking the paint off the wall?
Wendy from VA
Home stores sell a gadget called a paper tiger. It scores the paper at the correct depth. Warm water from a spritz bottle will do the rest of the work. It will come off in two separate layers... the patterned part first. Spritz again and let it sit a bit and the backing will come of just as easily. The backing does not need to be scored. I've been using this method for 20 years and never have had a problem or used pricey removers. Do NOT apply a lot of pressure using the paper tiger. (09/19/2006)
By Annie
I used both vinegar and fabric softener on the same room. I found that the fabric softener worked better. (01/22/2007)
By Alisa from FL
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