Is there an easy way to remove wallpaper?
Cat from Winthrop, MA
Use a spray bottle and spray fabric softener on the wall paper. Let it sit and soak up the fabric softener a few minutes, then use a metal drywall spreader (forgot what it's called) and scrape off the wall paper. Works pretty well w/o using toxic chemicals. My dad uses this when renovating houses. (10/31/2007)
Try a spray bottle with warm water and liquid fabric softener. Spray liberally on the paper and it should peel off easily. (10/31/2007)
By Sara
We renovated our 1945-ish home. I had good luck using Downey fabric softener. I made a strong solution of Downey and water (3/4 parts Downey) put it in a spray bottle. I sprayed the wallpaper really well, waited about 15 minutes. I used a scraper and the wallpaper came off easily. (10/31/2007)
By Wendy
The easiest way and this works great is to get liquid fabric softener and dilute with some water. Then use an old rag and apply generously, wait a few minutes for it to penetrate and start peeling!(11/01/2007)
By linda
Use equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. Saturate, and then just peel it off. Worked great when my girlfriend and I used it on her walls. (11/01/2007)
By Linda
All of the suggestions are great but to make the job go a lot quicker is to use a Paper Tiger tool which is available at Home Depot type stores. It lightly scores the paper for the fluid to react faster. It's also a fun tool to use. Just don't press down too hard or you will leave pit marks in your walls. (11/01/2007)
By Annie
I just used warm water, an a putty knife and it came off of a really old house we bought. Every wall had old wall paper on them .( (11/09/2007)
By lillian
Mix equal parts of vinegar and water. Spray it on with a bottle until damp, it then pulls away with little effort. I took 5 layers off my bathroom, some of it was the metallic type. Make sure it's damp before pulling. (11/16/2007)
By Crystal.
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