
Removing a Piece of Glass From Under the Skin?

I have an embedded piece of glass that has been in my foot for 6 weeks. Now it is puffed a little over the spot and you can feel something, but I can't remove it with tweezers. Will it eventually come out or do I need to see a doctor? Thanks for your help and God bless!


By Debra from TN

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 108 Feedbacks
March 14, 20111 found this helpful
Best Answer

I would seek a doctor if it has been there for 6 weeks. You might have to have him/her remove it for you and medication for an infection if he/she deems it necessary. I had a friend whose Mom had sad consequences with a glass cut in her garden and did not seek medical help. Is your tetnus shot up to date?

November 4, 20190 found this helpful

Ive had glass between my scalp and skin for 2 years we dont know what to do

March 14, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

Last year I got a splinter in my finger that was too deep for me to remove. The splinter became encapsulated (a hard shell formed around it) and I had to have it removed by an orthopedic surgeon.


I would definitely go see a doctor, as it has been in there so long. It might get infected.

March 14, 20111 found this helpful
Best Answer

I am with Doris, the drawing salve would be my first stop. It works awesome to take foreign objects out of the body. We once put it on a small child with a thorn so deep in her foot we couldn't get it out and we dug for it. We put on the drawing salve that looked like black tar, gooped it on put a bandaid on her and she took a nap. Exhausted from crying while we tried to dig it out. When she woke a couple hours latter we removed the bandaid and their was the thorn laying in the salve. A miracle. Have used it many times since. It's an underappreciated product.


I agree many people can not afford to go to the DR. and many people just don't like to unless it is the last resort. Good Luck!

August 29, 20180 found this helpful

Where do you get drawing salve?

September 11, 20190 found this helpful

How do you make that salve?

March 12, 20110 found this helpful

This may not work but it worked for me when this happened to me. Put your foot in the hottest water you can stand. The tissue around the glass will swell and it you touch it lightly it may just pop out. I would not mess with it too much though, especially if this does not work. Infection could also help to remove the material.


So if it flares let it flare some and when the infection drains you should get some relief. I am not a doctor so please get medical advise from a doctor. These are just suggestions from someone who cannot always afford to go to the doctor when other options are available.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
March 14, 20110 found this helpful

Infection can also cause blood poisening. Which can kill you. Now get to the doctor before that happens. Please!

March 14, 20110 found this helpful

Go to a Podiatrist. They are specialists in wound care of the feet. My daughter is a podiatrist and she often does surgery on people with things imbedded in their feet.


Do not mess around you do not want to lose your foot or do injury to the nerves in your feet.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 155 Answers
March 14, 20110 found this helpful

A very old-fashioned remedy is a bread poultice! When I was little, my mother used these for similar problems. Just crumble some bread, add boiling water, and put it to the injury site, and keep it there till it cools. Perhaps let it cool a little first, you don't want to be scalded! It may take several goes, but eventually the heat draws the foreign body close to the surface so it can be extracted.

I am constantly surprised these days that people run to the doctor for the simplest of things that they could so easily sort out for themselves.


And don't worry, you'd jolly well know if you had blood poisoning!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
March 14, 20110 found this helpful

I would definitely go see your doctor! Tiny glass shards can be especially dangerous if they happen to work their way into a blood vessel. They can tear the vessel and, worse yet, be pumped through your veins in to your arteries.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
March 15, 20110 found this helpful

Glass is one thing that will not work it way out. It will work itself in. You need to see a doctor to have it removed.

March 15, 20110 found this helpful

My mother always put bread soaked in milk on our feet or hands when we got embedded glass, splinters, etc. She then wrapped strips of material around it to keep it on until the splinter or glass worked itself out.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
March 17, 20110 found this helpful

Go to a doctor to have this removed.

March 19, 20110 found this helpful

If it's deep, go to the doctor or emergency room. Better to be safe than sorry.

October 1, 20140 found this helpful

Good luck to me getting my husband to go to the doctor. This afternoon we finally put draw out salve on it. He thinks its glass and since it has been there for a couple of weeks I think he's right. I will be back to update if the draw out salve actually works for glass.


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