I had an old spot on my Chanel satin bag. It looked like maybe lipstick or something oil based. I put on a little bit of cornstarch and blotted. Now I can't fully get the white from the cornstarch out and as you can see from the photo, the spot has lost its shine and doesn't blend fully. I tried blotting with a little water and Woolite on a microfiber cloth and then using a hairdryer on low and it looks the same. Any advice on what to do next? I know I should have just taken it to a professional, but didn't know where to go.
I recommend you sending it out to a professional. The adding of different chemicals can have a reverse reaction to this satin bag. Often we think we can do it ourselves. I would not take the chance anymore , you have tried.
You undoubtedly have a lovely purse and having it cleaned by a professional would be the best choice but, please, do not entrust this clean up to anyone but someone that Chanel recommends as I have heard horror about 'local' professionals.
I would suggest you take it to the store where purchased if possible and ask them for help as they many times can send it to Chanel or recommend someone for you to take it to.
I would stop doing it yourself and take it to a professional. I think s/he could get the cornstarch out, at the very least. You do not want to devalue the bag by doing something wrong.
If it is a real Chanel bag, I would ask them:
I don't know if they still, but they used to have an internal repair service.
Post back what you learn!
Thank you for your advice. I will seek a professional. Im lucky I didnt ruin it!