
Repairing a Wobbly Ceiling Fan

November 19, 2015

After you have tried tightening all the screws, and checking to see if the blades are warped and they are not, most likely, the blade arm(s) are bent slightly. I tried everything, but this is how I finally solved the wobbling issue:


Some have suggested to measure the blades from the ceiling and then bend the arms back while still on the fan. Do NOT do this. You will most likely make the issue worse. Take the blades off the fan and take the blade arms off the blades. Since each arm has a purposeful slight twist in them, lay the arms on the table and hold down the bases flat on that table. Then measure the distance of the twisted edges from the tabletop. If one or more do not match and are off, then use a crescent wrench on the base to bend them slightly back. Measurements must be precise! Down to the 16th of an inch! Because if the bend on a blade arm is off by just 1 degree, the blade end will be off by a lot. This is the "only" thing that worked for me to get my fan balanced. Good luck!



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

September 8, 2010

How do I rebalance a ceiling fan? It is securely fastened to the ceiling.

By Betsy


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June 13, 20080 found this helpful
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I asked my hubby about this one and he says try putting new blades on the fan.

September 12, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

Go to Home Depot and buy balance tabs which come in the ceiling fan box. Stick one to each blade (on top) until you get the right balance. Or cut some tabs out of cardboard or duct tape a washer to the blade.


easy fix, just try one on each blade until it balances.

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