My bag has a shoulder strap that is attached to metal rings. The clip on the ring keeps coming loose from the ring on the strap. I tried Super Glue, but it only holds it for a short time. Help!
By W.W.
I was able to "repair" my wife's purse when she has a similar issue. With the end pin in place, I squeezed the ring around it down to an oval with pliers. That way the end wouldn't slip out but it still swiveled.
If I were you & there is a slight head on that latch...go to hard wear Store & find a small washer to fit on end after you put thru in place so it will not be able to come out anymore...then superglue in place should stay permanent
SUggest your try epoxy instead of super glue - 5 minute epoxy is far stronger for this type of repair. The previous suggestion to get a washer is good if you can fit the washer on after putting the end thru the hole.