I have a 19hp Kohler engine on a riding mower. I put a new battery on it, but it just clicks. I put a screw driver to both posts on the solenoid, but it just arcs and smokes. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts September 22, 20170 found this helpful
If you can't find the service manual for this mower try the following.
- Check your spark plugs first. If the spark plug has a light brown deposit on it, then it is fine.
- If the spark plug has a thick layer or black carbon deposits this is a sign that your carburetor mixture is too rich.
- You engine could be smoking because the electrodes that have been work is a sign that it is overheating. This is normally a cause of too much ethanol in the gas.
- Check to see if the plug has a wet, oily deposit on them. If this is the case you will need to take the mower in for service.
- You have oil leaking into the combustion chamber and it should be there.
- If the spark plugs look normal you will need to replace the spark plug wire with a tester and then pull the starting rope.
- If the ester doesn't show a spark this could be a problem with the ignition coil or the flywheel that it is attached to.
- Normally the ignition coil doesn't have problems. It is the connection between the flywheel that it is attached to.
- Normally the flywheel and the starting pulley can wear out.
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