
Roaches Coming in Through an Air Conditioner?

August 22, 2005

Air ConditionerHere in Florida we have Palmetto bugs -- giant roaches. Does anyone know if bugs can get in through central air conditioners? Everything else seems to be sealed off, including roof vents.




August 24, 20050 found this helpful
Best Answer

We use Boric Acid for this type of roach. We live in Eastern Georgia where we get of these. Be sure to put it around the unit and not where the air flows. Make sure the air is off so it won't blow in your eyes or face. We also put it around the doors as these roaches can come in very small places and they can fly. Trimming bushes around your house will cut down on the roaches also.

February 28, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

I am in Hollywood Florida so I know of the Palmetto Bugs. Yes, these bugs can in fact get into your central AC system and air flow system. The central AC unit has a drain pipe for the water that your air conditioner creates. This pipe leads outside of your residence and is discharged. Roaches can gain access into your system through this pipe.


I have just discovered this problem with the colder weather this February. I believe that the bugs were seeking shelter from the cold weather and found this in the open pipe. Then being the explorers that they are followed this pipe into my house. I am putting a screen over this opening at the outside end of the pipe.

I am not sure how to proceed with removing the roaches that are now in my system. I am concerned about just using poison to kill the roaches. I do not want poison blowing on me when the ac unit is operating.

By Memere (Guest Post)
August 23, 20050 found this helpful

I live in Louisiana and we also have the same bugs. They seem to be able to slip in with absolutely minimal space available, so I'm sure they can get in through an AC unit. Spray heavily around your unit (not into it).


Be sure it is not about to rain. I would also spray inside and outside of all windows and doors. I've seen them slip under a door. They are hard to erradicate, so good luck.

August 24, 20050 found this helpful

Yes or they could be coming up through shower/sink drains, around where your water lines come into the house, underneath a closed door, etc. We deal with them here in New Mexico also, mainly during Spring and Summer when we start watering our lawn outdoors more regularly. Their appearance is not a sign of unclean conditions like their smaller cousin (food roach), but an attraction to moist or humid conditions.

By Carolina Mejia de Castro (Guest Post)
June 11, 20080 found this helpful

May I put screen up?

June 17, 20160 found this helpful

Find the tape that is also a bandage screnelike material. you can put it over vents and it helps block them without blocking the air.

September 11, 20160 found this helpful

Hi Don,

I'm in California & came across your post following "Google" search. I live in an old building & my a/c vent is on the floor w/large openings. Been fumigated 3x & realizing that's the last remaining "opening" that has access from out/inside.


That said, was wondering about the outcome of your issue? TIA :) Lisa

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