I am seeking senior programs to put a new roof on my house for free.
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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts October 18, 20170 found this helpful
Contact HUD in your state

October 18, 20170 found this helpful
There are some programs that help qualified seniors with home repairs but usually there is a long waiting list. Roofing materials and labor are very expensive so this type of job will not happen overnight.
- You should first contact your church or an area church and ask for help as they many times have members who may be able to help. This does not mean they will always do work and materials for free.
- You can contact HUD as suggested but this is a very long drawn out process and, again, only qualified families will be approved.
- Habitat for Humanities does some home repairs but their budget is not usually very great for repairs so they may not have the funds for this size job. Here is a link that you can check for your area. www.programsforelderly.com/housing-habitat-for-humanity-critical...
- Here is another link that has some organizations listed that may be able to help you. www.rd.usda.gov/.../single-family-housing-repair-loans...
- You can also Google Elder Affairs with your zip code and see what suggestions they have.
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