I live in Minnesota in a mobile home. Our roof is leaking so badly. There are bad stains in every room. I am on Social Security and my partner is in very bad health so we cannot afford to fix it. Can we get help anywhere? I am so desperate to get help with it.
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April 4, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer
Living on Social Security does not always mean you are "poorly" as I know some who have more (take home pay) with their SS than they had when working. Other circumstances can change your ability to make needed repairs.
- There are a lot of government agencies that provide help with the type of repairs you are describing but they also have many qualifications and their "qualifying/approval" time is very slow/lengthy.
- They will have to verify your total income (of all people living in the household), your eligibility for government assistance programs (food stamps, medicaid, etc), and the ownership of your trailer.
- These "help" programs work faster if you are already on one of these programs as they can verify your information through those agencies.
- First question will be do you own this trailer as they will not help if it is a rented/leased trailer because any repairs would be the responsibility of the landlord (they may still help you if there is a mortgage on the trailer/land).
- Roof repairs are some of the most expensive types of repairs and can only be done by licensed repair people and they have to obtain city/county permits which are also expensive and permits are not always given if the house/trailer is in very bad disrepair in several other areas.
- I am only mentioning these things because many people think these programs just go out and help people and that is just not the case.
- Approving assistance is a long and lengthy process and many times there is not sufficient funds available and even if approved, someone may be placed on a long waiting list.
- They may recommend other solutions (such as moving to income based housing) if it appears it would be a long time period before they could help you.
- This type of assistance is even difficult for a church to help as they still have to have permits (even if it just repairs and not replacing a roof) and also licensed workmen.
- Have you tried getting a loan (second mortgage?) as many times this can be done with low monthly payments.
- You may want to try Habitat for Humanity as they will many times work faster than government agencies. But, then again, this type of repair is one of the most difficult to obtain due to the cost and permits required.
- Do-it-yourself roof repairs are not usually legally done if permits are not acquired.
- Here is a link to a find Habitat agency in your area
- and links to other agencies that might be able to help.
- www.programsforelderly.com/housing-habitat-for-humanity-critical...

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts April 4, 20180 found this helpful
Another source is Habitat for Humanity
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